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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Question

who do you think was Buffy's soul mate?

 grapecandy posted over a year ago
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer  best answer

Styfalie said:
Spike. He was the only one who really fought for her. While Angel was off "saving the world" in Los Angeles, Spike stuck around and fought side by side with her, no questions asked. Yes, he did have a chip put in his head and his inability to hurt innocents was the reason for his growing love for her. But, at the same time there was always a chemistry between the two of them. He went out and got a soul for her! Angel was forced into his soul and HAD to be good. Spike fought for his because he WANTED to be good.
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posted over a year ago 
"Saving the world"? Uh, why the quotes?
this-is-my-name posted over a year ago
Because he never actually wanted to be out saving the world. He was forced into it. Not to mention...most of the time he wasn't even saving the world, he was on some personal mission. He was a hack. I love him...don't get me wrong...but he is a hack.
Styfalie posted over a year ago
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haileyac said:
Angel was Buffy's soul mate. Yes Spike stuck around, but Angel left for her to have a shot at some normalcy, he always loved her and that is why he left. Spike was selfish enough to want to be with Buffy and to have Buffy to take away any normalcy, any chance at having a real future. Being with a vampire takes away the chance for Buffy to get married, have children, both if she would want, but to be with someone who can experience things with her, not merely stay the exact same while she aged. She needed someone who could understand her when she was 70 because they were going through it too. They were soul mates but he was willing to sacrifice his own happiness in hopes for her to be truly happy. Also, he was still there for when she needed him even after he left, ie. Joyce dying and the battle at the end, even when he thought she was in danger with the Native American warriors.
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posted over a year ago 
As well Spike made her hate herself for so long for what he "made" her do.
haileyac posted over a year ago
angelforbes said:
has to be angel
l was a routing for them from the start xo
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posted over a year ago 
tinkymel said:
While I am a huge Spike and Buffy fan, I really don't think that she had met her soul mate yet. I would like to think that there was a man out there that complimented her personality that was living. I think that he would have to be a warrior of somekind, but also mortal. I don't think that a happy life for her would be with anyone that would out live her by centuries. I think that I she would find a man that could fight with her, love her, and understand the dangers of her life that would be the perfect man for her. I think both Angel and Spike loved her, but I think the perfect man for her was still out there. I also think of the two I would go with Spike over Angel though because everything he did, he did for Buffy. If you think about it Angel was a good guy simplely because someone cursed him to be. His character was not strong enough to fight the demon with in and to do something about it. On the flip side Spike's character was so strong that when it came down to it he fought tooth and nail to get the demon evicted from his being. He actually chose the life he is living, while Angel was forced to live the life he has. Still believe she hasn't met her soul mate yet though.
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posted over a year ago 
Buffygirl1988 said:
Spike definitely!
Angel and Cordelia were soul mates :)

Spike & Buffy understood eachother better than anyone else.
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posted over a year ago 
CupcakeKiller said:
Angel. its obviously him, she can feel him, without seeing him, thats true love!
tho i really love spuffy too!:)
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posted over a year ago 
Duncan-lover1 said:
In the begininng yes it was Angel. But in the end it was clearly Spike that stoll Angel's place in Buffy's heart. Buffy had a relationship with Riley that I thought would never end. To me they were a good couple but everything changed in the end. Buffy has loved so many but only let a few into her heart. Spike is clearly her soulmate.
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In the begininng yes it was Angel. But in the end it was clearly Spike that stoll Angel's place in Buffy's heart. Buffy had a relationship with Riley that I thought would never end. To me they were a good couple but everything changed in the end. Buffy has loved so many but only let a few into her heart. Spike is clearly her soulmate.
posted over a year ago 
I forgot to mention that I think Angel was amazing and I really thought that they would be together till the end but I was wrong.
Duncan-lover1 posted over a year ago
shadston123 said:
Definitely Angel all the way. Angel left for her, while spike could never let her go. I think Spike really loves her, and Buffy tried to make herself love him, but it was all a rush for her. Being with another vampire who could give her risks and fill her empty boyfriend place. After Spike got his soul, I think Buffy started liking him, but only as a frieend, not a soulmate. In Chosen, when she says I love you to spike, he can tell she doesn't really mean it in the way he wants it to mean, and she doesn't deny that. Also, whenever Angel is guest starring on episodes in Buffy, they always act as soulmmates with a couple kisses, because t hey could never let go of each other. Go BANGEL!!!
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posted over a year ago 
buffyfan23 said:
I think its Angel because of the way hes always there when Buffy really needs help and he cares about her.
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posted over a year ago 
AngelusB said:
Angel for sure. They've always had a great connection, one I love completely. :)
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posted over a year ago 
MissKitty28 said:
Spike !! No doubt. I don't believe in soulmates, but I believe in true love ♥ And true love is not about idealization and hyper-intensity.

True love is all about falling for someone for who they are. Spuffy has this connection.
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posted over a year ago 
all_time_fan said:
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posted over a year ago 
wilara26 said:
buffy's soulmate is definitely faith and if josh whedon would have dug into that a lil more the show would have been even better
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posted over a year ago 
what..buffy and faith soulmates???
grapecandy posted over a year ago
sorry i just dont get it..
grapecandy posted over a year ago
Its Joss. Not Josh
dollhousegirl24 posted over a year ago
megzie77 said:
Angel Definatly! Because I think that nobody compared to what they had. She missed him even after he left and I dont think he ever has moved on.
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posted over a year ago 
this-is-my-name posted over a year ago
katie15 said:
Definatly Spike xD
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posted over a year ago 
bendaimmortal said:
I second what Styfalie said.

And adding to it: Riley left her for selfish reason, and Angel didn't get her soul and inner life the way Spike did. Angel just loved her enough to let her go. Spike seemed to really see and understand Buffy's inner life as well as relate to it, which I think is one of the essential elements of a soul mate.

Not sure if Spike was truly the ultimate soul mate to her but certainly the closest to such, out of the three big relatioships she had.
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posted over a year ago 
LovingLucy said:
After everything that Spike and Buffy went through, I'd say Buffy. They hated each other, then had loveless sex (On Buffy's end, that is), Spike tries to rape her, he gets his soul back, and finally she tells him she loves him.
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posted over a year ago 
tutorgirl99 said:
Spike was her soulmate. Angel found love after Buffy with Cordelia. If they had been soulmates, they would not have been able to move on from each other.
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posted over a year ago 
You may find your soulmate and still fall in love with another after a period of time. Many times soulmates die and they are forced to move on. It isn't the same, but you can still love.
haileyac posted over a year ago
I think if they had been meant to be together, they would have been.
tutorgirl99 posted over a year ago
eyeslee said:
Spike. There was really no chemistry with anyone else! Even when she's reunited with Riley in 'As You Were,' she was only reacting to a familiar face!
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posted over a year ago 
neurogirl07 said:
While I'm only on the 5th season of Buffy right now (I recently discovered it), I really liked Angel/Buffy, but I'm sure, later on, I'll like Spuffy.

But, in all honestly, I really think that either Giles or Xander should have been Buffy's soul mate because they were the two guys that she spent the most time around and got to know her the best....and well, also I'm a Buffy/Giles shipper. hahaha.
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posted over a year ago 
Giles? a first
grapecandy posted over a year ago
giles was more of a father figure, pluss in season 8 buffy does begin to have feelings towards xander. :)
gracecatherineX posted over a year ago
this-is-my-name said:
I don't believe in soul mates. Buffy was in love with both of them, in different ways. Angel was her first love, and she never really seemed to totally get over him. Spike and Buffy's relationship was based on understanding, passion and a bit of obsession.

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posted over a year ago 
99AN931 said:
to me every guy post-angel felt like a rebound to me so...angel definitely!
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posted over a year ago 
Huddy_Gurly said:
BANGEL(: enough said
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posted over a year ago 
gracecatherineX said:
I wish I could say spike and honestly hands-down mean it. He is one of my favourite characters, I also wouldn’t mind it being Xander – but let’s face it, it’s between angel and spike without a doubt. Spike deserves Buffy much more than Angel, I know that’s saying a lot because Angel left for her and that whole giving up a day they spent together so that it wouldn’t end up with one of them dying but he also found he was in love with Cordelia. Spike I got the idea he never really loved anyone other than Buffy not really and the support he gives her is unbelievable. I know Angel wishes he was the one to support her and fight by her side so that also needs to be taken into consideration. Spike is funny, hot and he cares so much for Buffy but he just isn’t her soul mate Angel will always be the one. However if I hear anyone claim Buffy was never in love with spike I will not be happy because she was IN LOVE WITH spike. Oh I really wish it would just be spike though, he’s far less broody and much more entertaining. Angel and Buffy’s relationship is one with such love and such connection that it is soul-mate material. A vampire in love with a slayer and vice versa; it’s very poetic, very Romeo and Juliet. Although at one point she dreams spike saying to her she can barley tell them apart, there still that word barley and Angel will always have the lead on spike, I can’t really explain, they are just meant to be. Even though he was in love with Cordy the same way Buffy was in love with spike the two were destined for each other and I think they will end up together in season 8. The more I talk about angel the more I wish Buffy would just tell him to take a hike and for her and spike to get together. But no she will always love angel the most and it really does annoy the hell out of me. Don’t get me wrong big love for angel, the paragraph really isn’t giving evidence to show this but no I think he’s great too especially in ‘the girl in question’ when Andrews telling them about the fake set up where the two believe Buffy’s been seeing the immortal and angel starts shouting about the cookie dough analogy I mean come on true love right there.
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posted over a year ago 
ditto..toally agree
grapecandy posted over a year ago
cecig said:
Angel,of course. With Spike it was just sex no love. But with Angel was true love, they will love each other forever, true soul mates. Read season 8 for that
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posted over a year ago 
...i respect ur view on angel but that thing about spike and buffy's realationship being just sex and no love is soo no true.. seems like u missed a bit. they did luv the last few seasons and u will see that.
grapecandy posted over a year ago
I saw all seasons a million of times, I think that Buffy never loved Spike like Angel, In season 8 (comics) bangel return.
cecig posted over a year ago
In angel andrew tells both spike and angel that she loves them both, plus buffy has a dream about the two of them where spike tells her she can barley tell them apart nowadays. she was in love with spike but her and angel are destined to be together.
gracecatherineX posted over a year ago
i would have to say that angel is buffeys solmate no doubt
devil15 posted over a year ago
Fitnessdancer5 said:
Angel without a doubt, was Buffy's true soulmate over Riley and Spike. It was love at first sight for him, when he witnessed Buffy being called to slaying. Spike had more of a twisted obsession with first wanting to kill her, and then wanting her because she was unattainable,which resulted in him trying to rape her. It disgusted him so much that he went to Africa to get a soul, to become the man Buffy deserved. Angel left Buffy so she could get on her life and not be distracted, even though he always loved her, and so did she to him, which is why she never completely forgot about him. They do appear in the comics.
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posted over a year ago 
ashleey1669 said:
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posted over a year ago 
tricia3956 said:
Angel all the way. Bangle 4 ever
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posted over a year ago 
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