Bones Ok I apologize thank goodness the 1st chapters not what do I say hard core ok Yaoi Mature content guy on guy no read if Homo phobe! /Sweet Curiousity ch2 begins here and stays here is fanfic.

xEcLiPsEdNiGhTx posted on Oct 11, 2009 at 01:29AM
ChaPtEr 2 MiSuNdErStAnDiNg?
I finally snapped out of it or at least I tried to I meekly stood up feeling my body absolutely broken and glanced at the time from my cell phone it was almost 6 o'clock I sniffled and I headed to the bathroom glancing at the mirror looking at my reflection staring as the tears began forming once again I glared at the mirror I hated being so weak I wasn't even with Riku its not like we were a couple or anything...
Sora looks at himself a couple more seconds his eyes were puffy and pink he sighed and left the bathroom quickly realizing he had taken quite a while.
He made haste trying to forget trying to block everything out everything that he had felt.
~Riku's House~
Riku sighed staring at Tidus's cellphone tracing his fingers over the buttons waiting patiently suddenly someone ringed his door bell and he stood up to go answer the door.
Riku opened the door slightly annoyed and peeked out the door there was no one there his nose flared with a frown he closed the door and went back to sit down,just as he sat down the doorbell rang again he rolled his head and got up with a jerk and hurried to answer the door once again as soon as his head popped out their was no sign of life out his front porch.
Riku blankly stared out becoming intrigued with this he closed the door with a slam, who the hell was knocking at his door this happened not too long ago to him it turned out to be Axel it went on for an hour until Riku finally decided to sit outside his door, he groaned hoping it wasn't Axel with his childish games again.
He fumbled in his chair and immediately his thoughts ran to what Leon had said to him.
"So who's this mysterious crush that I have?" he asks as he sipped his coffee
Leon nervously stared at the ground before looking up at Riku and copies Riku sipping his hot tea.
Riku raised his eyebrow and he decided to amuse himself they were both at a cafe sitting in the corner away from everyonelse, Riku leans forward smirking teasingly making sure he was making eye contact with the brown haired-male "Is it you who holds this secretly crush?" he asks with a hint of tease in his tone.
Leon begins coughing and rapidly clears his throat keeping his sophisticated look as intact as possible and glares furiously at Riku his face flushed "NO!" he says as blunt and cold as possible you could tell he really tried too.
Riku couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of this he placed his cup down and returns his stare at Leon looking amused and satisfied by his success."Don't have to deny it I understand if u do" he says trying to push Leon's buttons.
Leon sighed with a pout and ignored his last words that came out the silver haired male "Back to the topic well two of my friends put me up to this at the same time which makes it harder for me to say..."
Riku sipped his coffee but before that he blew on it trying to cool it down before sipping it again,waiting patiently for Leon to continue .
When Riku stayed silent after Leon's pause he had no choice but to carry on "Zexion wants to go on a date with you...." he says with a tint of regret in his words for saying his name first.
Riku lifted his eyes uninterested "Isn't he with Demyx?", he replied making an excuse not to even get near him him and Zexion he was a good looking guy but it just didn't catch his interests much Zexion was into books and other boring stuff he saw Zexion as boring person in his opinion though he wouldn't mind going on a date with him would he really?.
"Him and Demyx seem to be taking some time off about Tidus..he yo-"
"He's too childish for me I'm not even considering that one"Riku quickly spat Tidus never crossed his mind Tidus was so immature at times, it ticked him off .Tidus annoyed him.
Leon's eyes and facial expression gave off a not giving up look "you know that prank he pulled happened a long time ago".
Riku frowned remembering what Tidus did to him,He had been staying up studying for hours on a math test he had failed twice and was falling asleep everywhere or whenever he had the chance and Tidus came up to him and drew on his face with a permanent marker and if it that didn't sound like a bad joke he chopped off half his hair off ,Riku was incredibly pissed from then on he wanted nothing to do with Tidus whatsoever.
Leon lifted his hand to his face hiding the smirk "You do realize that was 3 years ago, ".
Riku looked at Leon hard "What of it?he still did it " he said annoyed.
"People change in three years and three years is alot he's even gotten taller It wont hurt to give him a chance would it Riku?"he added
Riku stared at Leon "Fine I'll only consider it if he apologizes."
Leon rolled his eyes but looked at Riku pleased "then its settled" he smirked.
Riku stood up and payed the waitress "Whatever I might consider. "he gruffed as he left.
The doorbell rang making Riku come to his senses he stood up and walked to the door and opening it again no one his eye twitched he immediately shouted "AXEL U PRICK IF THAT'S YOU I SWEAR I WON'T LET YOU OFF EASY!!!!!"he slammed the door and cursed a bunch of things under his breath.
Sora walked towards Riku's house he was not too far from his house now he kicked a rock as he walked keeping his eyes on the floor staring away lost in his thoughts he let out another sigh he clenched his fist and hit a wall angrily hitting it over and over "I hate you! I hate you Riku.."he held the tears back he gritted his teeth trying to calm himself he immediately hurried to Riku's house trying to ignore the throbbing he caused to his knuckles .
He continued walking and notices Tidus with a big water-gun creeping closely to Riku's house Sora couldn't help but feel a knot in his stomach he begins biting his lip nervously Sora sways to the side hiding himself and to not be in view of anyone and continues watching.
Tidus rings the door bell and the door opens violently "AXEL ! YOU BITCH!" ,Tidus grins and sprays Riku with his water gun.
Riku stood there water dripping from his hair to his chin and his stare falls on Tidus his eye twitching "I should have guessed it was you" he says sounding annoyed ,Leon you fucking liar this kid hasn't changed he's still annoying!
Tidus continues grinning and immediately places his hand on Riku's shoulder "I got you good huh?"he smiles throwing a toothy grin at Riku his checks blushing slightly.
Riku looks at Tidus and he sighs in defeat ,I guess he can be cute at times.."Come in "he says turning his head inside his house he glances at the clock.
"There together now...I should just head home Riku doesn't need me why did he call me so he can rub his new boyfriend in my face and act all lovey dovey in front of me.",Sora squinted his eyes drowned out by the tears how he hated Riku yet he felt so so obligated to want him to be able to talk to him to be able to kis-....No that's weird to kiss a guy that's disgusting...but if it was would be...pure and awesome." Sora turned around to leave.
Tidus smiles blissfully as he walks inside Riku's domain his eyes exploring and looking at everything he was able to see.
"Sora's late what's taking him?"Riku says aloud.
"Sora?"Tidus looks at Riku surprised ,since when do Riku and Sora hang thats weird I thought Sora hated Riku he always curses about him.
"He called your phone, "
"He did?"Tidus looks at Riku surprised Sora called isn't he supposed to be with Roxas today?.
"Yea I asked him to come over to pick up your phone,but then you called and I guess It doesn't matter whether he comes over or not now"Riku says as he walks over to the counter and throws Tidus phone over to him "Here take this and get going"Riku says with a hiss as he disappears to the bathroom to dry his wet face.
Tidus catches the phone and frowns disappointed "what why?!"he follows Riku to the bathroom.
"Exams I have to study you should too "he almost bumps into Tidus quickly walking around him as he heads to the door.
"Lets study together yea?"Tidus says with a smile spreading across his face as he follows Riku.
"No get going I have no time to help you also in your study problems why don't you ask Axel and leave me alone" Riku opens the door quickly.
Sora gaped at the door opening before allowing his finger to hit the doorbell his color draining from his face his throat went dry his lower lip began to quivered his eyes widening toward Riku and Tidus approaching him.
Tidus groaned "fine but you owe me"he quickly tipy toes and leans forward pushing his lips against Riku closing his eyes as a small blush crosses his cheeks.
Riku's eyes widen surprised looking at Tidus startled he finally notices Sora standing there in front of them he's never seen anyone look so sad immediately he saw Sora's eyes water the look on his face pained and filled with so much sorrow he couldn't explain why he looked like this he pushed Tidus away and noticed Sora's lip quiver a fresh cut on his lip caught his attention "S-Sora are you-"
I I It was true they were together I couldn't watch I couldn't hold it I forced myself to smile if I were to cry in front of Tidus and Riku I just couldn't let them see me like this ,no it would be I ,How could I explain, I blurted out sort of choking the words out "S-Sor..Sor..Ry." ,my throat burning from withholding the tears I turned and ran as fast as I could I ran even when my my lungs began to burn feeling the tears seeping overflowing I felt like I was dying I tripped I didn't struggle to stand what was the point what was the fucking point ! I sobbed letting the tears engulf me I never felt so damn pathetic in my life.........
Its seems like it keeps getting worse for Sora I hope you guys arent mad I promise I'll try making the chapter a little less depressing ^^ oh and please review and thank you for reading.
ChaPtEr 2 MiSuNdErStAnDiNg?
I finally snapped out of it or at least I tried to I meekly stood up fee

Bones No replies