Bones About to Post an Image That You Didn't Make? Look Here First, Please!

heeeresjoyce posted on Sep 29, 2009 at 11:06PM
It has recently come to my attention that there are several (Bones-specific) LiveJournal users that have discovered their images posted here and don't want that happening anymore. We, as the nice Fanpop citizens that we are, should respect that.

So, here's the list of people (thus far) that you SHOULD NOT post the work of:

graphic_vamp926 (AKA vamp926)

If you see anyone post images by these people without their permission (it doesn't matter if there is a credit or not), it'd be great if you could comment and ask them to remove the images. I'll be doing this too.

Please let me know of any other LJ users that should be added to the list. I'll be updating it.

Now, before you go off and add your images, please remember to HAVE A PROPER IMAGE CREDIT AND USE GOOD KEYWORDS!!! After all, this is half the reason that these LJ users have gotten angry - they often don't get the credit they deserve! That means for the credit, don't put something like "LiveJournal", "Google images", or worse - nothing at all (actually, even worse - claiming it's yours when it's not). Give the username! Something like '[username] on LiveJournal' is acceptable. A better thing for a credit, as well, could be to have the URL of the place you got the images in the description (something I haven't done before but will begin doing now). I'm going to start getting after people more about this credit thing, too. If I see images without proper credit, I will comment about it - even if it's the same user doing it over and over.

For keywords, be as specific as possible without having ones that will screw the people searching for something. For example - using the keyword 'hodgins' in a batch of icons that has Hodgins in only a few of them will cause people searching for 'hodgins' come up with icons that don't have him in them! Just remember to only use keywords that apply to every single image in the batch. Do this or else the keyword demon will come and eat your soul. 'Tis true.

Anyway, now that my long image credit/keyword rant is over, go on and post your images! Not that you needed my permission, but thanks for reading. :)
last edited on Oct 22, 2009 at 01:37AM

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