Bones The Cinderella in the Cardboard

Councilman posted on Apr 17, 2009 at 04:07AM
It seems that Agent Booth and Dr. Brennen are involved in a dance around a subject neither wants to be first to broach.
I believe that Booth could easily fall in Love with Bones but she has so many ideas that go against what he sees as the more traditional relationship it keeps him from acting on his feelings.
On the other hand Bones wants to have a meaningful relationship that goes beyond the meaningless carnal only ones she's had up to now, but she does not yet know how to go about it.
Were I Dr.Sweets seeing all this I'd work on moving her in that direction and instruct Booth on how to help in that direction as well. That is if he's of a mind to want to do that.
last edited on Apr 17, 2009 at 02:21PM

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