jess_welsh posted on Jul 12, 2008 at 10:37PM
OK people plaease don't squael your house down but this is great news for you B&B fans out there:

'A little birdie tells me that Bones creator Hart Hanson has concrete plans for us to see Booth and Brennan "in bed together" next season. However, what Mr. Hanson means to imply by "in bed together" is still a bit of a mystery.'


An actuall KISS in season 4 AND this!!!

Oh its going to be HELL of a season!!!!

Bones 13 replies

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over a year ago callstories said…
Can't wait!
over a year ago jess_welsh said…
over a year ago Serienjunkie91 said…
Yeah I read the info with the bed even yesterday and I'm really excited.

I can't imagine which scene this would mean?! Any ideas?
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
over a year ago TEMPEBREN said…
I heard that there was going to be an alternate reailty episode so I think that's where we are going to see them in bed together.
over a year ago Serienjunkie91 said…
Yeah, in season 4 is to be MUCH fantasy, as I read. I don't know what that means.

OMG! I sounds like Bones. ^^
over a year ago jess_welsh said…
TEMPBREN thats like toture for us b&b fans!!!
geting our hopes up!!!
over a year ago callstories said…
Alternative reality! Love it!
over a year ago MissJ said…
i can't wait tha sounds realy gd
where can i read more about it?
over a year ago jess_welsh said…
type in bones spoliers in google and click till find the good stuff that wat me did lol!!!
over a year ago BonesMad3 said…
and here's a big thing.....

Booth and Brennan Will Get Naked Together in Season 4 of 'Bones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

probably that they will just be in bed together.

over a year ago bonesluver126 said…
wonder what angela'll do when she finds out...
over a year ago kalik said…
Yeah they will be in bed together... nekkid lawl, but I bet there's something about it, just like the kiss wasn't really 'free will' ya know ;D I just knoooowww theres gonna be some sort of a twist about it haha, but nonetheless it will be a funny and awesome moment I think :)