Bones New Character to replace Zach

Seelones posted on May 24, 2008 at 01:05PM
I know i don't want him gone either but is there any news of who is replacing Zach's character, hopefully it's none of those annoying students we saw in the finale or that guy who came in while Zach was in Iraq.

Also I'm not liking sweets anymore the crap he pulled on booth and brennan with the list and she not knowing was unprofessional.

Bones 5 replies

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over a year ago Cladra said…
No, no, no. I don't want some new character, I want Zach back <3
I know that I'll hate the new character (99%), cuz I liked Zach too much. Now I can't watch old episodes because Zach is in those and I get depressed :'|

... <3
over a year ago Michellebob said…
I think that they might bring back that guy that was going to replace him! For a while anyway. Thats my best guess!
over a year ago callstories said…
That's what I was thinking, too.
over a year ago Jane_PL said…
In script there is a Vincent Juarez (probably he is only in one episode) as new grad student. You find more information here: link

Camille and others will be looking for a new permanent forensic anthropologist.
over a year ago raven441k said…
the fat guy from the pratice good lord.. they need to get heads out of butts and fix what they broke