Bleach Anime Just Asking...

helz14 posted on Apr 15, 2010 at 05:33AM
Do u know about Rock Musical Bleach or Burimyu????

Bleach Anime 4 replies

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over a year ago helz14 said…
Hey everybody...
I just want to know is there any of u know about Rock Musical Bleach...??

They make the musical of bleach, and its quite popular in japan itself... I love them so much hehehe...XD
They have a great performance and so funny...>.<

here's some of the link of there perfomances in you tube...
U can try to look it....>.<




(ichiXRuki >.<)
over a year ago Hijara said…
Yes! I watched it subed on YouTube!! I wish I was there...T.T
over a year ago LunaShay said…
i watched the rock musical im on the first 1 but i finished the second :).I REALLY wanted to be there 2!!^
over a year ago helz14 said…
Yes!me too~~
I'm really sad, their last performance on code 003 is really the last of their performance that we can watch......