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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Watch: a history of men talking over women - Matador Network
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
This video by Attn tells you everything you need to know about the history of “mansplaining”, the patronizing way that men often feel entitled to speak to women. The video shows examples ranging from government to news panels to reality television. Research has found evidence to suggest the issue is legitimate: some studies show that men dominate 75% of decision-making conversations. Watch the video to learn more.
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Sad to say, but I work with a man that mansplains to other men as well!!! He has so little self esteem that he feels he needs to be heard by everyone, repeatedly. Even our male boss. I just roll my eyes at him and leave.
I hate being cut off. Men do it all the time, so I have made it a habit to put them in their place and demand respect. Many men (not all) also have a habit of dominating a conversation by running on and on while speaking, not giving anybody else (especially women!) a chance to ever get a word in. Some women also cut off other women, but never men.
Every feminist can get behind Taylor Swift’s Grammy speech. Here’s why.
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Men are consistently getting away with sexually assaulting women. Here is proof.
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Watch: Amnesty International asked Mexican women what happened to them when they were detained by the police. Here were their disturbing responses.
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This homeless guy’s sign exposes everything that’s wrong about men’s expectations of sex.
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