Arthur and Gwen You know you are obsessed with Arwen, when...

RosalynCabenson posted on Feb 17, 2011 at 10:52PM
Another little game (sort of).
I just want you to tell what you did to prove how obssesed you are with the couple of Arthur and Gwen ;)

start the sentence like in the title and add what you want to^^
I hope I'm not the only one here who is so crazy about arwen xD

You can also post other reasons you can think of what woud make you a crazy fan ^^

Let's just have fun ;)
last edited on Feb 17, 2011 at 10:54PM

Arthur and Gwen 78 replies

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Showing Replies 51-78 of 78

over a year ago JazzLeitchSmith said…
You know you're obsessed with Arwen when you keep replaying the trailer to watch the only two moments arwen have together :L...
over a year ago EPaws said…
Rose, I waited until a little close to one AM and it didn't work, but being a short sleeper, had the lappy open at 5:45 during a rain and thunder storm. Yes, you heard me and began to squee, waking up Jason! Who decided to wake up and make coffee, cause the DAMN woman was busy with her fake people again... and he would need 'summat' to keep his eyes open so he can roll them at her newest little obsession lol!
over a year ago EPaws said…
Jazzie, I hear you baby. I am enjoying the crap out of tumblr this evening. Tudor Rose implies she might have found Guinevere's wedding dress! I am waiting to find the HD and am putting together a long assed post for my journal on all things San Diego Comic Con 2011 including interviews and stuff with ASH and family. Oh my journal buddies are going to be so fed up. Have I mentioned just how proud I am of our Handsome Sleepy Wretch Bradley? Well I am.
over a year ago JazzLeitchSmith said…
big smile
have you actually found the wedding dress? i mean her actual one?
If you have... PLEASE UPLOAD! :DDD
over a year ago EPaws said…
You know you are obsessed with ARWEN when one of you made a find on tumblr from one of the ARWEN devotees and so love it, that it inspires a background. You so love that background that you augment it and then refuse to repost cause you just keep beaming at the background and feeling rather happy with the view....sigh...even when there has been so many great posts in that day.

Yes I am pathetic...but it looks so damn good right now. Arthur and Gwen centre stage...sigh...

over a year ago ELockley72Garoo said…
You know when your obsessed with ARWEN when you can't stop reading the Fanfictions or is that just me!!
over a year ago MISAforever said…
You know you're obsessed with Arwen when you got a book from library called "King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table" by R. Lancelyn Green and you're about to correct everything that says anthing about Lancelot and Guinevere.
Sorry Lady from the library. It's not my fault they write incorrect stuff..
over a year ago Nasty_Nat said…
You know when you are obsessed about Arwen when you always bothering your friend to get updates or clues about them. She knows who she is lol.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago guen_evere said…
You know you're obsessed with ARWEN when while reading all these posts, you realized you DID/STILL DOING pretty most everything they wrote above, especially reading FANFICS AND watching videos about them all night. :D
over a year ago hapybeinginsane said…
You know you're obsessed with Arwen when you start to analyze every single second of the time they spend together :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MISAforever said…
You know you're obsessed with Arwen when a girl from school, with whom you never actually talk, knows you're obsessed with Bradley James and Merlin BBC.
over a year ago chattawak said…
You know you're obsessed with Arwen, when you get up early in the morning to re-watch past epi. while your husband and 6-month-old baby are still asleep. Sh!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Niti19 said…
You know you are obsessed with Arwen when you signed up at fanpop just to join the Arthur and Gwen fan club.
over a year ago EPaws said…
Niti, clearly a person of great taste....mwwwwwah!
over a year ago Niti19 said…
You know you are obsessed with Arwen when you bought two stuffed animals (giraffes)and you named them Arthur and Gwen and you hug both of them when you sleep.
over a year ago EPaws said…
Oh Pudding, you will soooooooooooo fit right in. Night darling. Welcome!
over a year ago Niti19 said…
Noooo! Don't! Coz I might just fall in love with you...

By the way, it's afternoon here. Hehehe.
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over a year ago DemurePrincess said…
You know you're obsessed with Arwen when you check Arwen clubs more often than your personal emails like me, LOL! Or that you love Arwen so much your hubby is forced to watch Merlin show with you diligently every episodes and reruns . I love him for that!
over a year ago Niti19 said…
You know you are obsessed with Arwen when your mum placed giraffe Arthur and giraffe Gwen against the pillow on the bed so that they are facing each other and it looks like they are kissing, and you're thinking "My mum SHIPS Arwen!!!" when she doesn't even watch the show.
over a year ago Niti19 said…
You know you are obsessed with Arwen when you disown your one and only best friend since childhood because she ships merthur.

LOOOL! I'm joking, I'm joking. I love her to much to do that. Besides, she ships merthur just for the fun of it, not creepy at all.
over a year ago kenya1234 said…
When you read all the Arwen centered fanfics and re-watch all of the Arwen episodes of Merlin.
over a year ago Als-Merlin said…
You know you're obsessed with Arwen when it takes 20 minutes to start watching the episode because you're replaying the opening over and over again just to see the epic first kiss.(and it still feels like being seen for the first time)
over a year ago Bonne-Bell said…
You know you're obsessed with Arwen when the most visited websites on your computer are all Arwen related sites.
over a year ago arthurxgwen said…
You know you're obsessed with Arwen when you fantasize about Arthur and Gwen's wedding/wedding night and wish you were best friends with them (or that you Are them) and you are praying for Arwen babies. Btw, you do this everyday, because there is no day that is complete without Arwen. =)
over a year ago mrshafiz said…
the chemistry between them. the way they look at each other..i think i want to faint whenever i saw the way arthur look at her
over a year ago kbrand5333 said…
big smile
When all your Facebook friends think you've died because you spend all your computer time either prowling around here or writing fan fiction...
over a year ago greenmangoes said…
When you spend an abnormal amount of time looking at their pics on tumblr and THEN make a fan fic about them as actors acting as themselves (if that even makes sense) LOL
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over a year ago bradleycolin said…
You know you're obsessed with Arwen when the only way to fall off to sleep is to think about Arwen and replay scenes in your mind (that's me)