Arthur and Gwen Re-watching Merlin 2x10 - "Sweet Dreams"

ellarose88 posted on Aug 18, 2013 at 06:04AM
Welcome back to our Merlin re-watch. We have all had the opportunity to re-watch series 1 with a whole new perspective. We saw how the characters were at the beginning and the journeys they all faced in series 1. Now it is time to continue our journey and re-watch series 2 and see how our perspectives might change seeing as we know how the story ends. (Thanks to the folks over at tvdotcom for ideas we've borrowed from them.)

Moderators for Season 2:


Rules are as follows:

I. We are getting started with 2x01 on Saturday, June 15, 2013 and a new forum will be opened every following Saturday. Moderators will post following the order in the list above to open threads and we’ll be watching the episodes in sequence. We will then be watching the last episode of Season 2 (2x13) on the week beginning September 7th.

II. Every moderator opening a re-watching thread should copy and paste the information in this entry (Introduction, List of moderators and Rules) at the top. That way, keeping track of the turns and our progress will be easier and also having the rules at hand will be useful for those who may have decided to join us part way through.

III. Everyone opening a re-watching thread is responsible for reminding the next person in the list to do the same the following Saturday (sending a pm on Friday should do it).

IV. Anyone not being able to open a thread on a particular Saturday can swap turns with the next person in the list (or anyone else) as long as they keep track of their respective turns.

V. People taking part can jump in with comments, but just because you watch and comment on a particular episode does not mean it’s compulsory to watch every single episode to be a part of this re-watching.

VI. Anyone is most welcome to join at any time. Also, new moderators will be added to the list when we get them.

VII. If you don’t have dvd’s or subscribe to Netflix or Amazon Prime, the first four seasons are available free (with ads) on hulu: link

Also famfan suggested­-oooo­­o­­n­­­­­­­­l­­­­i­n­­­­­­­­e­­­.­­­­­­p­­­­­h­­­p

VIII. Constructive criticism of characters/actors is always in order, but please no bashing.

IX. Let’s have fun down memory lane. Be inspired to do fanfics, fanvids, and fanart.

X. Each week the moderator will post questions/headings and suggestions for people to discuss about the episode, the plot, the characters and relationships. Don't feel pressured to answer every question/headings, answer the questions you want. Feel free to add anything about the episode, even if it isn't mentioned. It's more than welcomed!

Now let's continue our re-watch of Series 2 with Sweet Dreams....

Arthur and Gwen 2 replies

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over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Here are the questions/headings and suggestions for discussions:

+ Best moment(s):
+ Worst moment(s):
+ Favourite quote(s):
+ Your thoughts on the villain of the week:
+ Best character development:
+ Best duo development:
+ Your thoughts on the plot progression and conclusion:
+ Anything else:

Things you might discuss:

+ We learn from the great dragon in this episode that Gwen is indeed Arthur's one true love, do you think at this stage the same could be said for Gwen with Arthur being her one true love?

+ Your thoughts on this week's villain's plans to ruin Camelot. Do you think it was a good plan?

+ Do you think that Merlin should have realised earlier that Arthur was not referring to Gwen when he spoke about wooing and was actually under an enchantment? Especially since Arthur earlier in the series mentioned how hard it was knowing he couldn't be with Gwen.

HumbleQueen commented…
Well, I'm not sure where this episode places exactly in my favorites list, but it's in the top ten. And definitely my favorite kiss. About to finally watch it again and then on to episode 11 which is my post. over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
I'm on this soon! over a year ago
over a year ago MISAforever said…
+ Best moment(s):
The kiss, of course. There are many other moments that I loved though, but that one was simply the best. And not just in this episode.

+ Worst moment(s):
I didn't like seeing Gwen all sad and disappointed. But it served its purpose and in the end I liked what they did.

+ Favourite quote(s):
The whole conversation in the end:
Arthur: I'm sorry for... what I put you through.
Gwen: No. You have nothing to apologise for. I, too, have caused my fair share of hurt.
Arthur: You must believe that my feelings for...Vivian... were not real. I've never loved another.
Gwen: But one day you will. One day you will find your real princess. One day you will be King of Camelot. And I cannot be your Queen.
Arthur: You don't know that.
Gwen: I am as sure of that as you are.
Arthur: Things may change.
Gwen: Well, until they do... (Bows) My lord.
( especially the 'I've never loved another part' - it is one of my ultimate favorite quotes!!!)

Arthur: Merlin, if anything should happen to me, look after Gwen. The world may think she is just a servant, dispensable, but she's not dispensable to me

Gwen: Live for me, Arthur. That's all I ask right now.

The Great Dragon: Why, it is the greatest force of all... love.

Arthur: It is destiny, my love. Destiny and chicken. What a beautiful combination, eh?

King Alined: Every woman in the land is attracted to this boy. I'm almost attracted to him myself.

+ Your thoughts on the villain of the week:
Alined, well, not one of my favorites, but he wasn't that bad. Solid, I'd say.

+ Best character development:
Arthur was enchanted most of the episode, but in the end he did the right thing. I loved it. ( not sure if it counts as character development). Merlin was there whole the time being Arwen shipper. Again, loved it! Finally, Gwen, asking Arthur on a 'date', taking a new step. Now, that was development. Too bad it didn't last very long.

+ Best duo development:
Arthur and Gwen! After all that Lancelot thing, they hadn't talked at all about them and their feelings. I missed it. So, this was a perfect opportunity to clear the air a bit. Even though I always wished they had long open hearted conversation.

+ Your thoughts on the plot progression and conclusion:
One of my favorite episodes. Cause it is about our OTP. Everything was done well and smooth.

+ We learn from the great dragon in this episode that Gwen is indeed Arthur's one true love, do you think at this stage the same could be said for Gwen with Arthur being her one true love?
Yes, definitely yes! I think it could be said from the start. As it was previously discussed, Lancelot was never near being her love. Not to say one true love! Arthur was always that man. They were simply in denial because of their situation.

+ Your thoughts on this week's villain's plans to ruin Camelot. Do you think it was a good plan?
If nothing it was an original one. It was very risky, to use magic in Camelot, to count on two kings starting a war based on affair. I think in any other show, it wouldn't be very convincing. But I liked that he used those two characters and played with them as if they were his puppets. As I said, original.

+ Do you think that Merlin should have realised earlier that Arthur was not referring to Gwen when he spoke about wooing and was actually under an enchantment? Especially since Arthur earlier in the series mentioned how hard it was knowing he couldn't be with Gwen.
Oh yes! Merlin was a bit ignorant. That it something I never liked about him. There were so many things right in front of him and he couldn't connect all the dotc. It bothered me a lot.. This was one of those moments. But at least he figured it out.

+ Best moment(s): 
The kiss, of course. There are many other moments that I loved though, but that o