Anime "Song to Describe" Contest, 5 prop award! :D (Round 1: Maka Albarn)

ninjacupcake88 posted on Jun 24, 2012 at 02:57AM
I made a little poll, and a few of you seemed interested so I decided to put it up! :)
Simply put, we'll have a new category (whether it be an anime character, couple, or actual anime) each round, and you must give me a song to describe that topic.
Example: If I have Konata Izumi from Lucky Star as the round topic, you have to post a song you think describes Konata.
Also, it would help if you could post some lyrics to show how the song describes the character/couple/anime-topic. :)

Anyone can join at any time. You can only submit one song per person, and after a few days, when there are a good amount of songs, I'll add them on a fan pick and the winner will receive 5 props :D, if its a tie, then I'll add a tiebreaker poll!
NO VOTING FOR YOURSELF! If you do, you'll be disqualified from that round, if you vote for yourself after I give you a warning... you will be disqualified from the contest permanently.
The winner can also say whichever theme they want as the next round, if no one is chosen within three days, I'll choose.
You cannot use the same song as someone else, you must go and find a different one.
Enjoy the contest =)

Make sure to ask any questions if you have any :D

The first topic/theme is Maka Albarn from Soul Eater. :3 Please find a song to describe Maka.
You may being entering!
I made a little poll, and a few of you seemed interested so I decided to put it up! :) 
Simply put,
last edited on Jun 24, 2012 at 03:02AM

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