Anime Dreams comes True rp

Musiclover456 posted on Nov 09, 2011 at 03:55AM
we may start the rp but to start you must have a character then make one to be in the rp each character will start off in a different place except the couples couples stay together then as the rp goes on we slowly meet until we all meet! link the link to make a character

Anime 371 replies

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over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
It was a night like every other pale dull and no new snacks but the people in south Ikebukuro park and that was total boredum for me so I went to look around. Saito as usual was around me so i took it nice and slow
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
time 4 class....*i sigh softly and walk into the bathroom 2 get changed into my night class uniform*
how'd i get sucked into being in the night class...? *Zero mumbles as he buttons his suit*
cos u lo-ove me? *i say sweetly, hugging his arm. he looks down at me and raises an eyebrow, then sighs*
that must b it. *he replies*
aww, Zero. cheer up! *i kiss his cheak and he gets very slightly red. i snicker slightly*
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
As if i wasn't enough to please her anymore she looked around Ikebukuro in search of some new people to mess with until she looked at me with those beautiful pure lilac eyes and said "deisuki Saito-sama" as if she meant it with all her heart i replied "i love you too"
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
so how come we even have a night class if we don't get grades or anything? *i suddenly ask*
y don't u ask Head Master Cross...he's the one who came up with this whole thing....
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
i looked and told him i loved him even though he knew because i always tell him. i looked around Ikebukuro to see my brother messing around with another life and Shizuo coming to kill him with another...wait never mind he's going to throw a tree this time that sure is new
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
*we walk 2 the doors* i hate having 2 get up earlier...*i groan slightly*
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
she looked around starting to back away. I saw a tree go flying through the air and knew it had to have been Shizuo. Me and Miki thought of going back to our house and going to the room to do something. I didn't know what sick thought Miki had going through her head at the moment but i could tell something was bothering her.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
well...someone needs 2 keep the day class girls in line...*Zero replies* i don't like it any more then u do...
we could just let them run over them...
true...*he shrugs slightly*
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
i backed away i told Saito "lets go back to the room" i was thinking about what Satan told me a couple years back i could never let Michel get me even though he treats me better then Satan but no! i have to honor my name and put my family back at power. but why does he want me now more then ever he used to never pay any mind to me before the day i remembered Saito...That has to be the reason Saito puts me on my good happy side when he doesn't piss me off that is but i shouldn't be think about things in the past i should just look into the future the bright happy future me and Saito will have together
over a year ago Gyroball13 said…
London, England. 7:00 pm. Sicario Famiglia Base.

9th Boss: Ghiaccio- "Kuro..."

Kuro- "signore."

Ghiaccio- "You know you are being looked down upon by other bosses due to size, but they are still afraid of you because of your... perizia."

Kuro- "...."

Ghiaccio- "Thats why I'm sending you to Giappone to get the 1st's grandson, I think he'll be ready for for the '10th Boss' title after you train him. I know after this task people will give you the same respect that I do."

Kuro- "Thank you, signore."

Kuro boarded the first plane to Japan to meet and train the 'Soon-to-be 10th boss of the Sincario Famiglia'.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
as she head to our mansion i don't say house because Miki didn't make a house she made a mansion huge and i do truly mean huge!!! she afraid of heights though she made the height of her MANSION 20,000 acres who does that! but i love her and i respect her and i'm trying to help her with that stupid fear of heights as we made our way we stopped every time Miki saw a cherry blossom
over a year ago Gyroball13 said…
Nanamake, Japan. 4:00am. Nanamake Airport

Kuro- "Nanamake, Giappone..."

Lady 1- "Aw, look at him."
Lady 2- "Is he lost?"
Lady 1- "Hey little boy!"

Kuro- "..."

Lady 1- "Where's your mommy little boy?"

Kuro- *points noel at her*

Lady 2: "A chameleon!? Hey those things can be dangerous!"

Kuro- "Really?" *noel transforms into a gun*

Lady 1 & 2: *Scream and Run away*

Kuro- *Whistles*

*A Taxi comes by and he gets in*

Taxi driver- "Hey kid, where ya' goin'?"

*Kuro gives him money*

Kuro- Berrugum Taku

Kuro makes his ways to the new '10th's' house to meet Luke Bellgum, The new 10th.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
"Saito-sama Mieru Mieru Sakura tree #23!" i said after passing by every cherry blossom in Ikebukuro until we reached my home as we made our way to the elevator Saito graved me and said in the sweetest voice possible "do you really love me or is it just you want someone to pleasure you?" i looked completely shocked and said "i love you for the man that you are not for the things you have we made the commitment to each other the day we go married and i meant it whole heartily so i think that should be enough to say i truly love you and i'm not just saying it this time a man to pleasure me i have you and Izaya and sometimes Shizuo but you are the one i would die for." i looked at him with the natural red vampiric eyes i bare to show that i meant what i said
over a year ago Gyroball13 said…
Nanamake, Japan. 4:50 am. In front of the Bellgum household.

Kuro- "Arigatou..."

Taxi driver: "Nai mondai ga nai"

*Kuro gets out of the cab and walks to the door and knocks*

*Minori Bellgum answered the door*

Minori- Hello...*looks around* Hello?

Kuro- "Excuse me."

Minori- "Huh?" *looks down*

Kuro- "E'llo!"

Minori- "Oh, hello."

Kuro- I'm looking for... Berrugum, Rukku.

Minori- "Oh, Bell-kun? He's upstairs. Come in! It must be cold out there for a little body like yours."

Kuro- "Can I see him now Mrs. Bellgum?"

Minori- "Sure."

Kuro has finally arrived to the Bellgum house. He know training a mafia boss won't be easy, but he's done it before.
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
that'd actually b funny. *i smile hugely at him and looks at me, sighing softly* aww, come on! there's no one else here! smile, will ya?
i know u know that's not true. *Zero replies absently*
yeah.....Head Master, how long r u planing on standing out there? *i ask as i walk 2 the main part of our room. Cross walks in slowly*
we've known since u got here. *Zero replies, walking up behind me. i nod slightly*
can't help ur vampire aura is almost as distinct as the actual vampires...*i mutter* and he's a hunter and i...*i trail off*
i'm just here 2 say that Toga will b in the classes 2day and 4 the rest of the month. *he replies*
Master...*Zero whispers*
again...*i sigh softly, then wish i hadn't after Head master Cross looks at me funny*
what's wrong? *HMC asks*
he...well...he looks at me like i'm a failer everytime he sees me...*i mutter softly*
uh...should i even...?
Cross, u were and still r very high in the vampire hunting succiety, u can't say u don't remember the Jaryu family. *Zero replies so i don't have 2*
yeah...the last hunter was Amber and she died due 2 birth complications...her twins we never found until Toga claimed 2 have found the one with knowledge of the vampire world but he never brought her in so no one beleived him, espeshally when he said she'd failed the most important part...the actual killing of the vampire. this was because the rest of them had no problem killing the vampires and so we all though he was a fool 4 a time. *Headmaster replies, then sees the look in mine and Zero's eyes*
mother....hated killing...she wrote so....even if she wouldn't say it aloud...*i whisper softly, a tear sliding down my cheak*
oh...*Cross looks at me with a mix of confusion and something that almot looked like laughing in his eyes, like i was joking. i glare at him as i read the thought without boring 2 far into his mind*
I'M NOT JOKING! *i yell, clenching my fists and my eyes blazing* U NEED PROOF, I'LL SHOW U PROOF! I'M WARING IT! *i snarl, pulling off my mother's necklace and turning it 2 the back, showing him the Jaryu family crest, a tribal cross with wings. he gets wide-eyed at the sight and looks from it 2 me and back*
holly...but....but both of the twins were supposed 2 b dead....
one...of them is...*i say softly, another tear sliding slowly down my face as i put the necklace back on. Zero glares at him*
r u happy now? *Zero almost growls at him. he gets wide-eyed and slowly creeps away. as soon as he's out of sight i start crying harder. Zero sighs and walks over 2 me, pulling me close*
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
we reach our room and that was when i pulled her in and told her "i know you do but i was just testing you" she looked at me with those still those beautiful bloody red eyes,that fade to a clear lilac when she's her normal self,that sensitive blemish free face, she was the perfect wife for me, so i graved her and kissed her as we fell on the bed i though "i love her i just want her to be as strong of a person as she is when on the battle field that's why i tell her these thing to see if she can become the strong spirit that's locked within her. if i could some day she does i hope i can she when she does because ever since the day we made that commitment i intended on doing this!" after that one thought it all became a blur
over a year ago Gyroball13 said…
Nanamake, Japan. 4:55. Bellgum House.

*Kuro walks up the stairs to Luke's room and knocks on the door*

Luke- "Mom, I told you I'm not done... with... my homework... yet."

*Kuro walks past his and sits in his bed*

Luke- "Hmm..."

*Luke closes the door and turns around to see Kuro sitting on his bed*

Luke- "Gah! Who are you!?"

Kuro- "E'llo!"

Luke- "I didn't say HI I said who are you!"

*Kuro just smiled at him; Luke ran to the bed to try and catch him, but Kuro jumped on his head to the floor*

Luke- "Grr."

Kuro- "Hn, I am Kuro and this is Noeru" *he said pointing at the red chameleon on his hat*

Luke- "I don't care who you are I just gotta get my homework done"

*Luke sat down at his desk and began to work again; Kuro kicked the back of his head and landed on his desk*

Kuro- "If you didn't want to know my name why'd you ask Lettuce head"

Luke- "Huh!? H-How do you what Jordan-chan calls me!?

Kuro- "The Ninth, Ghiaccio, told me to come here and get you."

Luke- "Don't change the subje-, wait the ninth? The ninth of what?"

Kuro- "The Sincario Famiglia!"

Kuro tells him about the Ninth and the family name, but will he tell Luke Bellgum, 'Soon-to-be 10th boss of the Sincario Famiglia', about the whole family!?
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
he pulled me in as close as possible i didn't want to hear what he was thinking no,not this time i would usually but no. i was his and he was mine and that was all that mattered at the time with the strength of my mind i locked the door and i fell to a level of passion i don't know how to describe it but it was as if i just felling love with him all over again and i just let all my nerves down and just let him move me
over a year ago Gyroball13 said…
Nanamake, Japan. 5:10. Bellgum House; Luke's room

Luke- "Si-Sincario Famiglia? I've been in alot of language classes, but I've never heard of that before."

Kuro- "Hai! Your mother has kept it a secret, but her and the 9th talked about it and think your ready for the title."

Luke- "Wh-What title?"

Kuro- "The Mafia's Sincario Famiglia's 10th boss!"

Luke- "M-Mafia!?"

Kuro- "Yes."

Luke- "Theres no way in heck I'm going to be a... mafia boss!?

Kuro- Y'see your Great Great Grandfather, Cielo , started it, for good intentions of course, he made it to keep everything in order in Itay and moved to Japan then to England where the 9th the base are now. Not only that, but he was the creator of "The Mafia" in general. The 1st boss was your grandfather, the 2nd was his son, Terra,then 3rd was his son, Vento , because of how the 3rds son wanted to take the power of the family all to himself he gave it to the 4th, his daughter, Erba ,then the 5th her younger cousin, Tuono , the 6th his younger brother, Veleno , the 7th his middle niece, Foresta , 8th her boyfriend, Acqua ,as crazy as that sounds, yet he was the third most powerful and resonsible boss , the 9th your father, Ghiaccio, and you the 10th, Rukku Berrugum."

Luke- "The creator of the mafia!? M-My father!? Wait you have to be lieing! His names not Ghiaccio!"

Kuro- "That's was his nickname used to be in highschool, because of how good he was at hockey. So he used it as his Mafia Alias. And to tell you something else one of your friends is a new mafia boss, too."

Luke's father is in the mafia, and one of Luke's friends IS a mafia boss!? How will he cope with nowing this and how he's part of the first mafia family ever created!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
After an hour or two i started to remember what had just happened. i some how just felt proud of myself and i bet she felt pleasured as usual but i personally love that about her she such a happy-go-lucky girl and she brings out the best in me but she can piss me off a lot but she's so cute i could just imagine her in her baby bloomer as a child ohhhhhhhh or in her dippers she's must have been the cutest thing ever as a child god she's was cute as a child and now she's damn right sexy!
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
y does he never leave things it so hard 2 believe...?
Forina...most people don't know ur mother originally had blonde hair...*Zero says softly*
yeah, but Toga even said i remind him of her...
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
i laid asleep on top of Saito, his bare warm flesh it was as if i was covered by a strong warm soft blanket but it was hugging me. i could never forget the feeling i first got when Saito's lips touched my lips it was as if the world had shut down and nothing mattered but the fact that he loved me and i love him i could never forget how soft and warm he always is
over a year ago Gyroball13 said…
Nanamake, Japan. 8:26, day 1 of training. Nanamake School Jr. High.

*Luke walks to school and meets Jordan*

Jordan- "Hey, Bellgum!"

Luke- "Hi, Jordan-chan"

Jordan- "Hey, I wanted to tell you about a friend of mine was coming over from Ingurando."

Luke- "I think I've meet him already."

Kuro- "'Ello!" *Kuro said standing next to Luke"

Jordan- "Kuro!"

Luke- "Ah!"

Jordan- "Aw, Bellgum, don't be such a baby"

Jordan & Kuro- *singing* Being a baby doesn't make you a Ma~fia bo~ss!"

Luke- "Yeah, your right.... Wait! you know!?"

Jordan- "Hmm, you got him to agree to becaome a mafia boss, Kuro? Interesting."

Kuro- "I guess so."

Luke- "No! I'm not becoming a mafia boss and I'm not a baby... I'm a smart baby, if you ever call me a baby at least call me a smart one."

Jordan- "But if you don't become Sincario Famiglia's 10th boss the title will be passed to a jerk named Kyouryuu."

Luke- 'Wait, Kuro did say something about one of my friends being in the mafia buissiness, too.'"Um, Jordan-chan you wouldn't happan to be assosiated with a mafia now would you?"

Jordan- "As a matter of fact I am!"

Luke- "Gak!"

Jordan & Kuro- "L'animale della famiglia!"

So Kuro was right. One of his friends is in the mafia. Has she told anybody else about her conections?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
as i got up the room was dark and we had slept through the day and now that the bloody moon was out i had nothing more to do but to wait on Miki to wake up and go out to hunt for food
over a year ago djtim1000 said…
tomix walked along the streets in ikebukuro thinking about his next target. a guy named saito. "i hope he doesnt put up a fight so i can get it over with..." tomix said cleaning the dried blood off of his forearm blades. "-sigh- why did i get banished to this planet... the technoligy is primitive and all of the humans are weak!" tomix said a little louder than he meant to.
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
i woke up and rubbed my eyes as i saw Saito sitting on the bed shirtless i hugged him and whispered in his ear "i'm hungry" he replied "i am too lets get dressed and go out" we got dressed and we headed out to south Ikebukuro park as usual but Saito thought i was going to get myself killed so i picked my hair up with shuriken and brought a sword with me he brought his swords too.
over a year ago djtim1000 said…
tomix took a seat at a park bench tired "god! i just want to kill my target then go back to my cold damp alleyway... -sigh- i miss life back in the soul realm... i miss my family most of all" tomix says mumbling while wiping away a lone tear.
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
we reached south Ikebukuro park i saw a kid sitting on the bench i tell Miki to turn and look somewhere else but it was to late she had seen the man as well and i knew that look on her face said it said i'm hungry and i want his blood! those little cute neko ears popped and she went for it she was to fast for me to grave her and so there she was hiding in the bushes
over a year ago djtim1000 said…
tomix felt a pang of pain in his ring arm and pulled up his sleeve revealing a bloody bandage " damned last target got a hit on me! this bandage wont stay sterile any longer" tomix said wincing in pain. he then threw the bandage to the floor and closed his eyes because of the stinging cut.
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
i sniffed the air in south Ikebukuro to smell new blood it was inhuman blood but it wasn't angel blood so it was fine i hid in the bushes and waited for him to be distracted to go for the kill i saw him drop something but i didn't want to blow my cover so i stayed hidden
over a year ago djtim1000 said…
tomix's head flew up and he stared daggers at a bush near him "come out. any sudden movements and it will not be a pleasant experience for you" he then started picking dried blood off his forearm while his blade was still hidden
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
this was bad he had heard her i had to get her out of their with quick thinking thought i pulled out my sword and pointed it at his neck "i won't kill you if you don't touch her!" i knew i had to get her out of the bush some how with out him hurting her but how? i used my other sword to move the bush
over a year ago djtim1000 said…
"soul weave!" tomix yelled while pointing a finger at the bush. a single strand of blue thread shot out of his hand and wraped around mikis neck. "if you kill or harm me this thread will tighten until her head comes right off... your call kill me? or not? i couldnt care either way" tomix said tightening the thread a little and drawing a little blood from a slight cut going around her neck
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
"" i could hardly speak with the thread around me i was about to fall unconscious when i saw that Saito had used black magic to slash the thread off his wrist and then slashed he one on my neck so i ran to him and he caught me because i was a little light headed but i saw the look on his face and it said you dare do that again and i will kill you!
over a year ago djtim1000 said…
tomix the got up and started walking towards them "well seems like yo-" tomix then tripped and fell flat on his face. he then kneeled and started tearing up and whispered under his breathe "dont cry... dont cry!" tomix then couldnt hold it in and started crying uncontrollably. "i miss mama and father! i miss someone kissing my cuts and -sucks breathe in sharply- and! -sucks a breathe in sharply again- i hate it here!" tomix then threw his hamds over his mouth like he didnt mean to say any of that.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
i could tell something had happened that he wasn't from here but when someone threatens Miki then you will get me pissed off i love her and i couldn't change what had happen to him but if he didn't like it here then he should go back to where he came from! but what was he going to say i was "tell me what you were going to say or i'll continue tormenting you by cuddling my wife and telling you how happy i am with my family something i'm assuming you lost" i said it bitterly cold yes but i couldn't stand the sight of someone threatening my wife!
over a year ago djtim1000 said…
tomix looked down at the ground and the two small gems in his forearms started changing an icy blue and also started freezing over "when i was 10 i stole these gems from a museum and they fused to my forearms... i was banished from my dimension for stealing them and -sniffle- all the other kids call me a freak and -sniffle- i hate it and! *starts crying uncontrollably again "i cant go anywhere without someone trying to hurt me!" tomix said while wiping his nose with his sleeve and whiping the tears away from his cheeks.
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
i got up and with Saito holding me i said "and why should it matter what happened in the past!" i felt bad yelling at a kid but it pissed me off when people only look in the past "sorry for yelling at you but you can't always look into the past what about the future you want and are going to have! i was like you at your age stupid and looking at the past and only that but never the future the bright happy future you can have do that and be a positive person and you will see people and door will open for you" i came close and graved his arms so he wouldn't attack and hugged him.
over a year ago djtim1000 said…
tomix hugged back then without miki looking he stuck his tongue out at saito. "my names tomix... whats yours" he had his face straightend out making him look older "also whos that mean man over there that threatend me with a sword when i ony told you to come out of the bush!"
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
"i'm Saito Hajime and you were going to kill my wife if she didn't come out!" i was pissed off by the fact that he stuck his tongue out at me! but i couldn't do anything about him being a kid and me not being able to kill him!
over a year ago djtim1000 said…
"stop lying and be a little more mature! seriously!? fighting with a kid!? how immature" tomix then turned to miki " nixe to meet you miki! if you dont mind me asking but youre not a human are you?" tomix said staring at miki's torso
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
"okay one that was pretty damn funny kid and second how did you know i wasn't human?" i let go of him and then Saito graved me and kissed me as though trying to piss off the kid which i doubt he did but hey i got a free kiss from my sexy husband! point one for me yay!
over a year ago djtim1000 said…
"saito.... that really stings... now i can see why your soul is so cold... also miki i can see why your soul is so big and warm!" tomix said while *sticking his tongue back at saito while miki wasnt looking "but anyways im a soulweaver. i can see peoples souls and your soul doesnt follow the format of a humans... you have alot more...blood-lust than an average human... no offense miki chwan (says it in an adorible voice)
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
"beg your pardon? i'm the cold one? coming from the kid who wants to kill me!" i shut my mouth and thought did i really just look into his inner being? i looked at miki who was looking at me with a look that said omg im proud of you for using your vampiric senses!
over a year ago djtim1000 said…
tomix then fell to the ground almost passing out due to the pain in the wound he got on his shoulder. the cut opened up more due to all the pressure of what just happend and blood started leaking out an a constant pace. "-groans- dammit!" keeps nodding off due to blood lose
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
i wanted to help but i couldn't my hunger was crazy to just go and sink my fangs into his neck but if i did then the trust we had gained would disappear but i was going crazy just looking at the blood gashing out asking me to suck his blood dry but i could never do that to a child like him!
over a year ago djtim1000 said…
tomix gained enough consciousness to rip his sleeve off and wrap it around the wound " i need somewhere to relax less... ill die from all my blood.." tomix said fading in and out of consciousness
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
i couldn't stand the little kid but i was to much of a good person to let him die so i picked him up put Miki on the bench and rushed him to the hospital where they put him in a room and i ran off to go get Miki who was sound asleep the sun was coming up so i ran the way home put her into bed and i went to bed myself
over a year ago djtim1000 said…
tomix was following a soul string that he attached to miki-sans foot. tomix started grumbling to himself "idiots in the hospital... kicking me out after only wrapping my arm in this crude bandage!" he then noticed his jacket had a huge hole in it. "damnit! my favorite jacket! can this day get any worse?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Musiclover456 said…
Saito picked me up and took me home but before that i had to get something to eat before going crazy so he took me home and told me "you can have my blood" i took his offering and enjoyed it and forgot all that happened after that