Angel Beats! "Would You Rather..." Game

IamKyon posted on Mar 22, 2014 at 12:17PM
For adding more activity to this club, I kind of stole this idea from Fruits Basket Club. Here's how this works~

Someone asks the question "would you rather do this or that," and you answer, then ask one for the next person.

I'll start~

Would you rather be a member of SSS or of GirlsDeMo?

Angel Beats! 37 replies

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over a year ago wishey said…

Would you rather be BFFs with Yuri or Kanade?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
I would like to be of both, but more of Yuri-san. I think we would hit it off quickly, but I also love Kanade-san very much. <3

Now: Would you rather learn Matsushita-san's combat skills or learn how to use Noda's Halberd?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wishey said…
I would learn how to use Nodas Halberd, that thing is awesome XD

Would you rather live Yuis life or live Naois life?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Eh, that's kinda hard. But I'd rather live as someone else than living, being totally dependent on someone else, so Naoi's.

Now: Would you rather hit on Yuri-san in front of Noda or hit on Otonashi-san in front of Kanade-san??
over a year ago wishey said…
big smile
I shall hit on Yuri, even though I will probably get seriously hurt. I'm not really into guys XD

Would you rather learn Shiinas back story on TKs back story?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Whoa, that's tough!! But I'd like to learn Shiina's more anyway, because of how awesome and idiotic she can be at same time. XD

Let's see: Would rather complete your regrets and disappear with others or stay alone and help other teenagers coming in afterlife??
over a year ago wishey said…
complete my regrets and dissapear.

Would you rather go to the angel beats afterlife or die normally?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
I would definitely want to go to Afterlife, to meet and help everyone. ^^

Would you rather get under a trap and die or get stabbed and die by angel while going to the Guild?
over a year ago wishey said…
I'll get stabbed, that kinda sounds fun in a weird way.

would you rather be part of the guild or the school president?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Hmm, I'd like to do both but mostly being school president.

Let's see, would you rather learn TK's dance or Hisako-san's Bass??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wishey said…
TKs dance, that dance is awesome.
Would you rather participate in operation high tension syndrome, or eat mapu tofu?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Eat Mapou Toufu! I have always wanted to eat it and also, Operation High Tension will be kinda exhausting for me! XD

Would you rather pick on Noda or pick on Yuri-san??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wishey said…
Pick on Noda XD

Would you rather watch angel beats in Japanese or English?
IamKyon commented…
Yeah, picking on him would definitely be funny! XD over a year ago
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Dub?? Japanese.:/ I didn't really like the English dub.

Would you rather use Guns or some sword-like weapon, like Katana or Knives??
over a year ago wishey said…
Sword weapons, I've always wanted to learn how to use a sword

Would you rather move on or join the SSS?
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
Hey hey... I'm back.

To answer ze question, would rather join SSS.

Would you rather be friends with Otonashi or Hinata? (Yes, I know... tough question - both are awesome)
over a year ago wishey said…
Hinata I think I'd get along with him better

Would you rather be rivals with Ooyama or TK?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
TK. I don't wanna hurt Ooyama-san! XD

Would you rather help others disappear first or you'll prefer to go first?
over a year ago wishey said…
Help other people go first.

Would you rather remember your past life or have amnesia?
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
I'd rather remember my past life... memories hold nostalgia.

Would you rather be a genius computer hacker/mathematician like Takeyama/Christ, or share a special bond like Otonashi and Kanade found with each other near the end?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Be like Takeyama/ Christ.

Would you rather get stabbed by Angel or receive death a hundred times from Noda?
over a year ago wishey said…
I think I will get stabbed. That way I only have to die once. Would you rather date someone in angel beats or be friends with someone in angel beats?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Be friends with someone, I think they all kinda found people they belong with. ^^

Would you rather fight with Angel or the Programmer??
over a year ago wishey said…

would you rather get killed or kill someone?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Get killed. I just want to experience it once but want to live again. XDD

Would you rather participate in Operation High Tension or Operation Tornado?
over a year ago wishey said…
operation high tension

Would you rather hang out with Shiina or TK?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
TK. It will be hard to build a conversation with Shiina for me. XD

Would you rather tease Ooyama-san or Takeyama-san??
over a year ago wishey said…
Ooyama. Would you rather have Kanade's hairstyle or Iwasawa's hairstyle?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Iwasawa-san's. Long hair don't suit me. XD

Would you rather play in Hinata's Baseball team or Kanade-san's??
over a year ago wishey said…

Would you rather be part of the guild or part of the student council?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Totally Guild's. :)

Would you rather eat Mafou Toufou or get slapped from Yuri-san?? XD
over a year ago wishey said…
I will get slapped XD

would you rather be an NPC or have a super horrible life?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Super horrible life. At least I would have existence that way. ^^

Would you rather go on a date with Otonashi or Hinata?? :3
over a year ago wishey said…
hinata, he is such a sweetheart :)

would you rather watch angel beats 1 more time, or 2 more times?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
1 more time, I can't really handle it anymore!! ><

Would you rather have another season with 13 episodes or have a AB! movie??
over a year ago wishey said…

would you rather fight or be peaceful?
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Fight... Sorry, I am too mean to be peaceful. ._.

Would you rather help Yuri or help Kanade with fighting??