Angel Beats! Create Your Own AB Character!

blackpanther666 posted on Jan 24, 2013 at 01:55PM
Create a character, with any sort of quirks you like, along with any personality you deem fit. Feel free to create abilities and such - in fact, please do so, as it will most likely make this more interesting. Thanks. XD

Angel Beats! 12 replies

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over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
I can't be bothered creating one now, but I'll certainly make one the next time I come on. XD. It may not be for a little while, but hopefully people will reply to this thread.
over a year ago IamKyon said…
I'll post mine from AB! Rp~

Name- Akira Minamoto
Appearance- Standard SSS Uniform
Background- He was being raised in very good and wealthy family. But one day, his elder sister got molested and killed by some thugs. Thugs escape from prison due to lack of evidence. His mother died in that shock and his father got admitted in hospital. His life became hard. He had to work at various places as his father had to loose job and He had to pay his hospital bills and his own education. After some months, he also looses his father. After some time of depression, he decides to become a Judge and help people to win against criminals. But before the day of entrance exam of University, he gets involved in accident and dies in hospital after some days.
Personality- His personality became twisted due to his past. He is short tempered and can be nice as well as arrogant but is a loving and caring person. He has been in afterlife world before everybody started coming. He gets emotionally attached to any living being too easily.

- He is not interested in joining SSS though he wears its uniform.
- He is staying here just to ask Kami-sama why he creates bad personalities in such nice world and punishes innocent people.
- He gets emotionally attached to anyone easily so he tries to stay away from SSS members to avoid it and wants to leave this world as soon as he meets Kami-sama.
I'll post mine from AB! Rp~

Name- Akira Minamoto 
Appearance- Standard SSS Uniform 
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
big smile
Thanks for posting on here! XD
over a year ago Angel_Beats888 said…
Hehe IamKyon posted Akira on here so i should post Shiya on here too :)

My character for this roleplay-thing.

Name: Shiya Nikaru

Appearance: She is quite tall for a girl, but not overly so. She has long, dark hair, which she sometimes braids and she wears the normal SSS uniform.

Personality: She's far too klutzy and often makes jokes. Even though she is a bit of a distatser, she is still smart in her own special way. She loved animals in her life, and, because of this, she is extra caring, even if it makes her seem soppy.

History: She died from being murdered in cold blood, while on her way back from a night-club. Her regret in life, after appearing inthe afterlife, is that she never got finish college and become an animal scientist.

Skills: She has no real skills useful in the after life.

over a year ago MaddieChan said…
Name/Hikari Kaotu
Appearance/Standard SSS uniform
Affiliation/s/SSS Member
Background/When she was little,her mom got shot by a strange men who broke into their house.She was adopted when she went to an orphan center.She got abused by the woman who adopted her and commited suicide stabbing a knife in her head and dying.
-People don't take her seriously
-She is a -founder of SSS
-She used to be a member of Girls Dead Monster
-She hates people asking about her past
-She whines or gets upset easily
-She has the same name as "Hikari" from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
-Her mom looks like Angel from Angel Beats RP.
-She is the only SSS Member who killed herself.
-She is sick/ill.
-She is brave,she tried to tackle the people who killed her mom,but she was only 6 years old.
-She wishes nobody would ever get abused like she did.

last edited over a year ago
Name/Hikari Kaotu
Appearance/Standard SSS uniform 
Affiliation/s/SSS Member 
Background/When she w
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
big smile
Name: Shusuke Kinamori

Age: 16

Appearance: Normal clothing - Jeans, sneakers, long-sleeved shirt and jacket. His hair is long and messy, but always seems to look semi-decent. He has blue eyes and his hair is dark-red/purple, similar to Yuri's.

Background: When he was born, it was to a loving family, that doted on him. However, a tragedy occurred and he was taken by the Yakuza, and his family were all murdered. He lived with them until he turned 16, then made a runner, trying to escape from them. As he finally managed to leave Tokyo, he was on a plane to Osaka, but the plane crashed and he died amongst the ruins of the plane.

Personality Traits: Shusuke is very serious, to the point that it probably seems unhealthy. He doesn't show any emotion, as he was never allowed to do so when he was living with the Yakuza and he bottles anger up inside of himself, until he is ready explode like a bomb. Despite this, he always seems to think logically, using rational thought and common logic to guide his actions.

Special skills: He is an expert in martial arts, having been taught them by the Yakuza. He was taught karate, aikido, muay thai kickboxing and tai kwon do. He also knows how to use several different kinds of guns and he is an expert at using a katana, but prefers to use a nodachi (Jaoanese longsword).
Name: Shusuke Kinamori 

Age: 16 

Appearance: Normal clothing - Jeans, sneakers, long-sleeved sh
MaddieChan commented…
<33333333333333 over a year ago
over a year ago rigo1315 said…
Background: My parents told me when I was younger I fell off the shopping cart at the grocery store. It must have been so bad that I was immediately hospitalized. The fall actually severed my spinal cord and left me paralyzed from the neck down. I still have a dent in my skull. I was four years old.

My parents visited me every day. The doctor told me that my condition was serious, but there was a small chance that I could ever walk or move my body ever again. Day after day the doctor provided me a rehabilitation plan of therapy to move again. It began with my head. At first I couldn't turn my head left or right, but after awhile I gained control of it. It was miracle.

Time just flew by and my doctor was transferred to another hospital in Maine. My parents gradually stopped coming. They came every weekend at best. My new doctor claimed that it was foolish and impossible for me to ever get up and walk again. I was 10 years old.

For the last 8 years I laid there in bed. Unable to move anything, but my head. The ulcers on my back grew large, though I didn't feel it. I never bathed, I starved and felt dehydrated. I continued to lay in bed piratically drowning in my own filth. I could hear the nurses who had taken an oath to look out for me. I could still hear them laughing. They didn't want to help me.

One day some kids next door, they were probably new, came to visit me. They asked me 'Why does it smell so bad in here' I didn't know it at first, but they were right. I was rotting away in this hospital.

My only salvation came when my parents dropped by to visit. If only you could have seen the nurses as they tried desperately to clean my room and apply make up to my face so I appeared healthy. It would have been better if I told my parents what was happening, but I was scared. The nurses threatened me if I ever mentioned something to my parents.

I probably could have told another adult, one who visited the other kids, but my door was locked shut. I almost never saw another human being until the weekend. My parents.

I died at the age of 18. It felt so unfair that everyone was living their lives and I was stuck in the hospital unable to do anything about it. I wasn't angry I just wished my life ended sooner than to have suffered that way.


This is my story. I had one family member who did suffer this cruel fate (grandmother), I did in fact fall of the shopping cart I was hospitalized and I do have a dent. Thank God everything is okay and I'm still healthy and mobile.

Name: Rigo.

Personality: Joined SSS, I don't wear the uniform. Very friendly and quiet. Would be considered shy, but is really just quiet and loves to be everyone's listener. Always trying to keep everyone happy or at least in a good mood. I do get angry, but never has anyone seen me get extremely angry and when I do it's not good.

Goal: If I get everyone out or ready to leave. I'll disappear. My goal was to live a normal life, but after SSS I couldn't leave I had to stay and make sure everyone can leave.

Skills: Swimmer

Appearance I suppose refer to these pictures, Pictures by nya-o (Swimming outfit) Shimejiro (Angel Beats outfit) natea21 (Hospital). from Deviantart
last edited over a year ago
Background: My parents told me when I was younger I fell off the shopping cart at the grocery store.
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
^ Awesome. Very detailed! XD
over a year ago MaddieChan said…
You should join our roleplay! @rigo1315 It would be so fun!
over a year ago rigo1315 said…
^ It may take me awhile though to catch up, but Sure :)
last edited over a year ago
IamKyon commented…
I agree with MaddieChan, we will be waiting. ^^ over a year ago
over a year ago Fisttheawesome said…
Hey.... does this mean there are more people making fan characters cause thats what it looks like whats going on here
blackpanther666 commented…
Yes, people are making characters... So far they have been for the Angel Beats RP, but I created this forum so that people could do that if they wanted... So, feel free to post any you want to on here! over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Name: Miwa Kaosi
Age: 16
Gender: female (DUH!)
Appearance: pic
Personality: quiet, acts cool, strong, brave, troublesome
Is she a SSS member: Yeah
Bio: Unknown
Name: Miwa Kaosi
Age: 16
Gender: female (DUH!)
Appearance: pic
Personality: quiet, acts cool, str
rigo1315 commented…
Flat out mystery.... Cool :3 over a year ago