Angel Beats! Angel Beats confessions....(project "Keep the Beats!" )

Alchemistlover posted on Dec 15, 2012 at 05:54AM
A great, moving piece of fiction can be a powerful thing. Angel Betas is certainly something to be considered such. Inspired form my own thoughts, IamKyon's amazing artillery (which i hope she posts here) and "project don't forget" on the full metal alchemist spot i decided to create a entry called "Our Angel Beats confessions project: keep the beats". What do you do? say in a written response or even a video if you want how Angel Beats has effected you and your life. There's no deadline, no "bets entry" just us and our stories. Don't be afraid to get a little personal and no making fun of anyone's story! well submit your response and enjoy!
last edited on Dec 15, 2012 at 05:55AM

Angel Beats! 26 replies

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over a year ago Alchemistlover said…
My story: SPOILERS!!!
I watched Angel Beats on a whim for fun hearing how popular it was and how notorious ti was for being sad. I liked the first episode and thought it was funny but wasn't all that impressed. I got to episode two with Yuri and her past and was heart broken. By episode three i was touched. Iwasawa was an amazing character who loved music and kept moving forward She was a victim of horrible abuse and i was really upset when she disappeared. Naoi's past also made me very emotional. He was always being compared to his brother and put down b his father. I couldn't imagine what Naoi must have felt like being TOLD he was every day by his dad and almost didn't exist. Probably the biggest one is Yui. I'm a lot like Yui i i'm the quirky one out of my friends and think i'm undesirable and unlovable. When Hinata said he'd love her now matter what i cried my eyes out like i never have for any work of fiction. Needless to say i loved the characters , they feel like friends to me and i feel like i know them .One thing i want to mention is just how surprised i am that this moved me so much, and that i actually cried! I cried after Yui's disappearance for a half hour at my computer, and them same when i watched the last episode. I am not a hugely emotional person and i was amazed by how powerful this show is The characters were really well written, the philosophy was great, the humor moments made you love these dysfunctional broken characters even more . Overall an amazing series.
What Angel Beats has taught me:
It's taught me about moving on and finding peace. My friend died in a car crash before i finished the series and the whole plot with teenagers dying and moving on made me think of her so much and was just another thing that made this series so impactful to me.
Overall: Angel Beats is amazing and i will try to always carry it with me.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Hello guys! ^^
This is my true confession about how Angel Beats! have changed my life! Its a bit lengthy, but please read it and share your experience also!

I have been a crybaby from very start. Even when I grew up, I used to cry over little tiny things. Everyone used to tease me saying "You are such a crybaby" "You are so weak!" or used to scold me, yell at me saying "Don't cry, its not good for anyone if you cry!" "Its so irritating" "Try other ways to express your feelings" But what is another way? No one told me ever! I felt like being misguided. I am really weak at expressing my feelings. It really pissed me off! I felt miserable. I really didn't want to be called "Weak" "Crybaby" I wanted to become strong!

Then finally I decided not to cry a single tear. I tightened my heart and started to swallow every sadness, insult, guilt and didn't cry a single tear. But it soon became really dangerous. I was not able to cry. I lost my power to express things. I lost my concentration on my destiny, started to loose faith and love for everything. I lost myself. I was not the same person I used to be.

But then 6 months ago, I encountered Angel Beats! First I thought plot is good, so it will be fine and I will not cry. But then, on Iwasawa's disappearance, I cried, only two tears. But it was much more than two tears. And to my own surprise, I felt really good. I felt like everything is coming out, every feeling that I held so many years. So I decided to give up on Angel Beats! that it was going to be painful for me. I was afraid of crying.

But soon I felt like this is the way, the only way to relieve myself from this anxiety and pressure. Then I re-watched Angel Beats! I cried out loud, every moment of sadness and anger of my life was present there with me. I cried at my own sorrows as well as those of SSS. It felt good to cry with someone than miserably alone. Angel Beats! changed my life in those few days.

Because of Angel Beats!, I was able to find myself after these years of struggling. If I hadn't seen Angel Beats!, I would not have escaped from this struggle and would have lost myself completely till now. But I will not loose myself now. Even if I am alone or sad, I will cry out my feelings and go on with life. I have understood that I am not weak only because I cry.

Thank you SSS and Angel Beats! for saving me!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Amazing Alchemistlover! I love it! Angel Beats! is really an anime that can change anyone's life! I feel the same way like you do about SSS, like they are my friends and their memories will always stay with us and we will not be lonely anyway! :')

And also, thanks for the compliment! ^^
Its not written on purpose but on impulse so I think it came out like that, though its not that good! X3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Zlar123 said…
Hi ^^
i discovered angel beats because i was watching 2 straight KEY visual novels so when i discovered that it has a good story i watched it immediately.
i was still emotional at that time and prepared my self for the tears to come and it came during iwasawa's disappearance...she was an amazing character that had just been taken away

when i was still young i wasnt emotional when i watch movies or animes unlike today. I treasured every episode of Angel Beats in my heart and live up to it... i love every episode it every laughter every disappearance every moment i have loved it ... I can still feel what i felt during the days i watched Angel Beats... i have learned many things in angel Beats like live your life to the fullest because you will not know when will you die . death is unexpected im still lucky that i have a normal life where i can still enjoy unlike otonashi, Yuri and the others who didnt even enjoy their lives because they died a a really young age

i ll carry this lesson till the day i die. i want to thank Key for making such a good visual novels like clannad and anime like angel Beats. especially jun Maeda who is behind in making the stories though i still want to know about angel beats because it is really short but i think is is good just the way it is ^^

thank you angel beats for making me realize the importance of life ^^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago IamKyon said…
^ True! I think the same way! ^^
over a year ago Alchemistlover said…
big smile
thank you two my first posters!
over a year ago IamKyon said…
^ X3 Welcome!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago IamKyon said…
I want to ask a question here! :3

Which song from Angel Beats! relates most to your life?

My one is Crow Song~!

There's a wall of shutters behind me
My fingertips smell like steel
Move ahead! Strum those strings! It's crowded, at any rate
Find a way from here
You'll find what you're looking for
Let's rock out and play on
Gaze into the distance
Inside this city where you can't even take a breather

The starry sky is the best stage of them all
The crows cry out, "Caw, Caw," above me
I'm always thinking them, I wonder when they'll go to sleep
Find a way - I will too,
In a song for me to sing out
Rock out and let it echo
With the crows, I'll sing out

How long will I exist in this place?
I feel like there were people who once said that
If you're only going to say annoying things,
Let the jet black wings carry you away and just disappear

With all my power, I'm about to collapse
My fingers are worn out and in pain,
But, Still, I'll perform, Tonight will be a big story
Find a way from here
You'll find what you're looking for
Let's rock out and play on
I'll take my luck and sing out

No matter how long, I'll exist here
Within all the people who pass through
On this stage enclosed in the darkness,
I sing my poem of hope right now
Even you must also be tired
I want to send this to that back of yours -
From within the pitch darkness,
The song of light that gleams with hope...
Yes, That song...

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Zlar123 said…
i think mine is Brave song

I have always walked alone. When I looked back, everyone was faraway
Even so, I kept walking. That was my strength
"I'm not afraid of anything anymore", I muttered to myself
Everyone will be alone someday, living on in memories only
I fight so that I will be able to love and laugh despite of the loneliness
I won't show my tears

I have always walked alone. The cliff was waiting for me ahead
Even so, I kept walking, to prove my strength
The strong wind blew against me. My shirt stuck to me with sweat
If I can forget everything one day, being alive will be so easy
If I fall into the other side of oblivion, that means I am running away
Even the meaning of having lived will disappear

The wind had soon calmed down. My sweat had also dried out
I became hungry. What was that?
A nice smell came together with lively voices

I have always walked alone. Everyone was waiting

Everyone will be alone someday, living on in memories only
Even so, it's fine. I call this peaceful feeling my friend
Someday I will be living somewhere, with the memories of days spent with everyone left behind
At that time I won't be strong anymore
I will just be sobbing like a weak ordinary girl
over a year ago Alchemistlover said…
I never though of that before well i have to think about that one.....
over a year ago Alchemistlover said…
I think this is a song that fits me. The song "My Most precious treasure" both Kanade's and Yui's version. I think if i ever fall in love it will be with someone like Hinata and i'll feel like Yui.
You taught me so much; I'm not scared anymore.
I have to let go of these hands that were holding me.

Even if I'm alone, I'll go, even if it's difficult.
I'll definitely bring the dream I had with you.
I'm glad it was with you, and nobody else.
But when I woke up in the morning, you weren't there.

We'd be able to play forever; that's the feeling I got.
That was just a feeling I got, that was it, I know.
I don't regret that I was born anymore.
Like the end of a festival, it's lonely, but we've got to go pretty soon.

I'll go anywhere with the things I learned here.
I'll show you that I can make the dream called happiness come true.
Even if I'm separated from you, no matter how far away we go.
I'm going to live in a new morning.

Even if I'm alone, I'll go, even if I want to die.
I can hear your voice, saying I mustn't die.
Even if it's difficult, even if I cry from loneliness
I can feel warmth from deep inside my heart.

Going around and flowing, time is ever-changing.
I can't remember what happened anymore, but
If I try and close my eyes, I can hear someone's laughing voice
For some reason, now, that is my most precious treasure.
over a year ago IamKyon said…
^ Ichiban no Takaromono! Great! I hope you'll find your love soon! ^^
over a year ago Zlar123 said…
i also love that song
over a year ago Alchemistlover said…
I'm actually not concerned with finding love at the moment exactly it's just i love this song XD
over a year ago wishey said…
The song that fits me most is probably my song.

The day that ended while searching for where I could wipe out my frustrations
The sky shown gray and I couldn’t see anything ahead
Those who ignore common sense laugh; What lies will they tell next?
What will be gained from hanging that up proudly?
But I have to keep moving forward
So I’ll keep singing like this

You’re crying for sure; You’re lonely for sure
You’re right; You’re just being human
That’s what the tears I shed say
This is beautiful too; It’s not a lie; Thank you for our true selves

Having dreams you want to come true and dreams you can’t reach
That itself becomes the dream, becomes the hope for people to go on living
There’s a door; I’m waiting there
So I’ll hold out my hand

For you who feels crushed, here’s the strength and confidence for you to be able to fight again and my song
That’s what the tears I shed say
Like this too we met in a dirty and ugly world; Thank you for this miracle
over a year ago Alchemistlover said…
Wishey- don't forget to add your story!
over a year ago IamKyon said…
Alchemistlover~ XDDD I thought that, sorry! I love that song too! I cried so much when they were sharing their last moment while Ichiban no Takaramono was playing! X3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alchemistlover said…
big smile
totally i think it was what put me over the edge with crying XD
over a year ago IamKyon said…
^ Yeah X3 Yesterday night, I was listening to songs while trying to sleep. Suddenly, Instrumental version of "My heart, Your beats!" started to ring in my ears. That epic music reminded me of every awesome and emotional scene from whole AB! and before I knew, I was crying! XD I am a big Baka!
over a year ago Alchemistlover said…
IamKyon- you are NOT stupid XD think of ti this way: the creators wanted the scene's and music to be emotional your so you crying is showing them a job well done XD
over a year ago IamKyon said…
^ Yeah true! I mean, that music is so epic and anime is so emotional it all gets mixed up and I get a sudden urge to cry! XDDDDD
over a year ago IamKyon said…
This one is made by me! Thanks to rikku_chan who posted it! X3
last edited over a year ago
This one is made by me! Thanks to rikku_chan who posted it! X3
over a year ago Zlar123 said…
really nice pic ^^
over a year ago IamKyon said…
^ Thanks! X3
over a year ago Zlar123 said…
we must show this to everyone :)
over a year ago IamKyon said…
big smile
^ Yeah!