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24 reboot?!

Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called 24 reboot in early development, no CTU - 24 Spoilers
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
By 24 Spoilers , August 8th, 2017  ·  19 comments
During the Fox executive session at the Summer TCA press tour, we learned a few small details about the planned reboot of
which is currently in the early stages of development. Here’s what you need to know.
Fox Entertainment president David Madden said “The next version of
will probably not be CTU, American counterintelligence. We want to take that same sort of ticking clock, incredible urgency and apply it to something else. It will have same style and urgency but in a different venue.”
Besides moving away from CTU, it appears that they might ditch the terrorism aspect entirely.
“The idea I’m excited about currently is not [an end-of-the-world story],” said Fox TV chairman Dana Walden. “Partly what is exciting, we’re opening up the possibility of it being anything. Anything where that 24-hour clock hits at the most critical period in a story. I don’t want to limit them that it should only be an action-oriented show. Maybe not. Maybe it’s emotional action. But we’re keeping the opportunity for them to keep their thoughts open.”
after a nearly ten year absence. Surnow stepped down as showrunner after the fourth season and eventually left the series entirely during the seventh season in order to pursue other projects. Neither
enticed him to return to the writers room, so his involvement here is perhaps the best indication that they’re attempting something creatively different.
different ideas for the upcoming reboot, with Joel Surnow writing one version and Howard Gordon working on another version alongside other (unnamed) writers.
Deadline reports that Fox “may put the two ideas on parallel tracks, developing both, with one of the projects possibly going to pilot before the official pilot season next year.”
The Fox executives emphasized that it’s very early in the creative process. Many of these details can (and probably will) change over the next few months. But it’s clear that Fox wants to extend the life of the
franchise further and are open to experimenting with new ideas.
Here are all the various articles written about the news: Deadline, TVLine, Entertainment Weekly, IndieWire, TV Guide, SlashFilm, Screen Rant, and Cinema Blend.
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Surnow’s return is a good sign (as well as Katz and Coto not being involved). Wonder if any characters from the original will appear in this, if it does get ordered to series.
Joel Surnow coming out of semi-retirement to help develop this is a promising sign. Definitely keep Evan Katz and Manny Coto far away from this. They really mailed it in with Legacy. Let’s see what they manage to come up with. I assume this is in early development for 2018-19. Still has a long way to go.
Really hope the 24 anthology series is going to be the end of the franchise.
Please have the Russian finale storyline – with Kiefer of course. And Chloe & Belcheck!
Joel Surnow should never have stood down as showrunner in the first place – still not sure why he did – but unless Kiefer is returning one last time, his return now is too little too late and my interest in any further ’24’ is rapidly waning the more news we get about reboot after reboot… *sigh*.
Surnow said in interviews when he left that he was burned out and the show was a grind to make back then.
we need more interesting character with more time ( 24 episodes) to develop them, instead of just putting all the new characters being moved by an incident and kill them off way too early for shock value
Too little, too late. Should have tossed those hacks and got Surnow back the first time. Now they are just beating a dead horse.
Fox, stop beating it’s corpse into the ground.
After reading this and other articles on this, I find it strange that they trying to pitch an idea for a new reboot without involving terrorism. What??? 24 is all about terrorism racing against the clock, or am I wrong?
Overall, I am glad that we starting to hear news of 24 at last !!
There’s a lot they could do: a hostage crisis, a raid, cops hunting a serial killer, or some other crime storyline.
IMO I think the 24 brand needs a complete refresh and something totally new! Glad Joel Surnow is back in the mix. They are not limited to ideas they can come up with which is good. The fact that they have two ideas is another good sign. To me 24 is like Law and Order series, Chicago franchise, CSI, Criminal Minds, Bond, Bourne , star trek! The brand can live on in other venues! Again just My opinion as I love 24 no matter what. I still have hope we will see Jack one day again too. I will not fault anyone for their opinions and for being skeptical after the failure of Legacy
People were bored of the repetiveness and same old same old which is why 24 Legacy failed. I still think there is a whole new audience who would watch a 24 that is completely new and maybe an old audience will come back
Uhmm.. no 24 legacy failed becauae of proper character development.. and the story..
Ditchig everything we love about 24 for a new itteration will only be the last nail in the coffin for it.
A wedding? 24 the show about fighting terrorism could be about the 24 hours leafing up to a wedding? If this isn’t a joke I will kill myself here and now.
First off, I love (no, I’m obsessed) with 24! I’m happy they are bringing Joel Surnow back, I liked the way he and Howard Gordon wrote things. But does anyone else feel like they are stripping the iconic 24 show, piece by piece?! First no Jack Bauer (we need a Russian continuation!), no Chloe and really any original characters from the first and best 24. Now no CTU or counterterrorism?! What the heck, that is no longer 24, the clock is not the star of the show, as we have seen, Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer is! Keep the counter terrorism and Jack Bauer, please! The show didn’t have CTU before and it’s sad but the show will work ok without it. I’m intrigued with the new show, but Jack Bauer has to be it for it to be 24 and for me and many others to watch it. Writers: Please be smart and bring back Jack, that would be the best thing ever!
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FOX planning more ’24’ in 2016 without Kiefer Sutherland
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jlhfan624 said:
No. If you're not bringing back Kiefer!Jack, LEAVE IT ALONE. 24: Legacy failed miserably and so will this ~reboot~. Want a new show, create a new name. Byeeee!
posted over a year ago.
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Exactly, Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer as a main character is a deal-breaker!
posted over a year ago.