24 : special TV event Screening

jbfan84 posted on Aug 20, 2008 at 05:34AM
Just got in from the screening of 24 Special TV Event and i have to say it was a cracker!! Robert Carlyle is awesome and it really bridges what Jack has been upto in the last year and a half ( running from a subpoena al over the world and at current time hiding in Africa at a school for refugee boys run by Carlyles character Benton.)

The movie takes place between 3pm and 5pm and involves Jack in action in Djengo, Africa ( a coup is building by a group of militants who are kidnapping chidren and traiining them to be the army to take back their country) and the new female presidents inauguration back in the US. John Voights senator is supplying money to the militants and hes trying to hide it and im assuming this will be a big part of how season 7 plays out as hes in the new presidents life.

Im not gonna give away naymore but this was absolutely what the series needed to bridge the two seasons and i cant wait to see how if they change anything by the time it hits tv!!

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