Wolves Darkness of the Heart: Chapter One, The Being Of Darkness

InvadaMiz posted on Jan 29, 2012 at 01:58AM
Lucky stalked a small hare, he pounced and felt warm sticky blood cover his front paws, and his claws sinking into soft mushy flesh.He opened his eyes and realised he hadn't caught the hare, he caught a small fox pup!Lucky sank his teeth into the fox, then he heard footsteps in the distance.He looked up and saw a small wolf pup infront of him.The pup backed up with fear struck into her eyes."Do not worry little one, I won't hurt you."Lucky said softly.The wolf pups ears shot up, she crouched down and slowly walked over to him."We can share, what is your name?"Lucky asked."My name is Raven."the pup said with a small voice."My name is Lucky,"Lucky nudged the small fox torwards her,"you can have it."Lucky said happily, he tilted his head and smiled.Raven looked down at the fox and took a small bite of it, her eyes shot wide open.She lifted her head and blood dripped from her muzzle."This is good!"Raven stated happily.Lucky chuckled."Yes I know, you look hungry.Try more."Lucky happily said.Raven dug into the fox, Lucky was just as hungry as she was so he joined her.

A roar came from the distance.They lifted their heads and licked the blood off of their muzzles.Large footsteps came in their direction."Raven, let's go."Lucky ordered."But YOU caught it!"Raven argued."Now!"Lucky snarled, she wouldn't budge.Lucky picked her up and darted torawrds his den."No!"Raven growled.Lucky set her down infront of his den."That was OUR food!"Raven whined."I don't want to risk our lives for ONE SMALL fox!"Lucky snarled.Raven winced, then she sighed."You're right."Raven agreed.

It was going to be sundown soon, so they made themselves comfy in Lucky's den.Raven had a nightmare and woke up.Voices echoed through the forest, Raven followed the voices to a small cave slightly larger than her.The voices called her in.She crawled through, at the end there was a room ten times her size."Chant the words of darkness."one of the voices whispered to Raven.Raven had never heard this before, but she somehow knew it by heart."Great being of darkness, give me your everlasting power, light this cave with the blue fire of the lost souls,"blue fire lit the room,"you know why I am here, give me the power of darkness!The souls of the demons, entertwine them with mine!"she chanted.A large wolf-like being appeared in the corner, it's eyes glew light blue.It was a pitch-black shadowy figure.

Raven looked into it's eyes and was drawn torwards it.The being put it's paw on the top of her head, Raven's eyes were engulfed by darkness, she opened her mouth and a pitchblack mist flooded from her mouth."Raven?!"Lucky howled in the distance.The being disappeared, Raven crawled back through the opening and back to the den, Lucky saw her come in and went back to sleep.

The next morning, Raven looked the same as last night, after her encounter with the shadow being.Raven lunged at Lucky.Lucky dodged her and held her down.

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