United States Of America We Are Not Idiots

percylover22 posted on Jan 20, 2011 at 10:27PM
I've noticed that people are the Internet act like all Americans are inferior to them and just plain stupid.Well...SHUT UP YOU JUDGEMENTAL BRATS!When I was surfing the Urban Dictionary site,I looked at the definition of awesome.My first reaction:Awesome's not an urban word,why is it here? And I looked at all the definitons.Here's a sentance combining most of the definitons:Awesome is just a made up word Americans use for everything because they have such a limited vocabulary. Um,Excuse me?YOU shut up.Awesome means full of awe.I knew that,I'm American.They didn't.I'm tired of the rumors of Americans being fat pigs and every othher country is smarter.News flash:America's the top country in the world,and Americans...*gasp* come from different countries!They come from England,China,Pakistan,etc.So...what are your thoughts on our reputation?

United States Of America 17 replies

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over a year ago masici said…
hei ;)
I am from Bosnia,and I think Americans people are awesome.
So cool,smart,fun,intelligent people.I would love to live in America.
As you said,":America's the top country in the world",people can talk,whatever they want,but there's no county like America.
America is a country of opportunities,maybe dreamland.

over a year ago frostydragon said…
As I see it we are usually the cause of all the worlds problems. Other countries always look to us when there is trouble but then have issues with our answers, or how we tend to the problem. We don't give enough help or don't respond quick enough.
In return in many cases other countries are more advanced in preparing their kids for the future. Unlike in America our kids are having sunshine blown up them saying every kid can go to college. In other countries they except there are only so many seats in college and theres nothing wrong working a regular job and be happy and take pride in that.
This is coming from a mother of a 13 yr old son, so I am personally in touch with the school system and how it works. Yes America is the land of opportunities but you have to make them. No one is gonna hand it to you on a silver tray.
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
What pisses me off almost as equally as people from other countries insulting us is the people living here with their freedom and security and (usually) nice way of living insulting us. If you don't like it, get the hell out. We're not going to miss you anyway...
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Yeah, some people from other nations think all Americans are obese and get no exercise. And that's not true. We're not idiots. And we're the only superpower left standing. God bless America!
over a year ago vanillaicecream said…
Know what, i don't know what you are talking about ! I absolutely LOVE AMERICA!
over a year ago MarMar_XigLux said…
"All Americans are lazy, fat, don't know how to speak proper English and lack in education...!"
Fuck EVERYONE who supports this bullshit >:(
We're all damn human for God's sake. End of story.
Snowyowl1028 commented…
Soooooo you're on America's side? over a year ago
over a year ago souleater117 said…
I live in America and I'm a supporter of the US. I hate how most foriegn people say Americans are fat and lazy, I'm not fat at all and I'm out side all the time so wheres you logic there and I never see tons of fat people ether theirs fat people in other countrys too, When I'm 18 I'm joining the U.S army I dont see how thats fat or inferior the United States is the biggest world power and I dont see why everyone says shit about the US when they help out like every country in need of aid from natural disasters for example Haiti and Japan. So I think people need to stop making false acusations before they have been to the U.S and BTW all of americans are foriegn because everyone here desented from other countries some time in life so your dising on yourself.
over a year ago alimazimmer said…
I hope that people from other nations as well as our own citizens will have an opportunity travel throughout our great nation and meet everyday folks, whom work hard to make a living, proud and loyal to our nation, If able, sit down and talk to people. America is not a land of idiots. We are the greatest nation in the world Bar None!
over a year ago PJacksonHead said…
the south is represented the worst. i mean i've been there it's not as backwords as you probably think. the south is awsome.
over a year ago InquisitiveOwl said…
I'm Chinese American but ultimately: I'M A AMERICAN AND PROUD! Shut the fuck up, foreigners, you don't know shit about the U.S, we have what you don't: equality and rights for everyone. Thus resulting in your ignorant opinion and jealousy.
over a year ago PJacksonHead said…
the usa may be new but that makes everyone eles old. so what now grampas. we the new kids on the block. so think what you my foreigners but we are awsome and you can't top us. i dare you to even try.
over a year ago Seastar4374 said…
People are so annoying making fun of us like that. I dislike how they're saying we're grease eating pigs. Most of us well a lot of us actuially are not like that. People are so inconsiderete.
over a year ago Legenda said…
At the risk of getting virtually attacked, i must say that you are not such a great country as you may think. Your health care system is terrible, you learn in college what most European students learn in high school, you have a higher amount of gun violence than any other country in the world, you say that U.S. citizens come from all over the world, but now you deny most "foreigners" without giving them a fighting chance, you barely have any freedom of speech, you prioritize religion way too much, the only reason Europe believes that most of you fat are statistic that say so, you caused a world wide financial crisis you started a war with a country that was no threat to you, you underpay your TEACHERS, etc. And as for being idiots, we don't believe that you're idiots, even thou you did vote for Bush... twice. I hate to brake it to you, but any glory you have is from the past, and you wont be able to hold on to it much longer unless you turn things around.
over a year ago SnowWing said…
America is awesome we donate billons of dollers to other countrys when they are in need. YOUR WELCOME!!!! All the other countrys do is take the money like pigs and dont even care
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
^^Hear hear.

Seriously though, why is this forum filled with indignant and self-righteous comment? Take a chill pill people. While you're no worse than other countries, you're no better either, as some of you would like to think...
over a year ago ShadowYJ said…
I'm Australian and I don't think such things (Well of course not 'cause i'm part American). Sure, everyone else does but that isn't the point. Every country is unique and special in their own way and I see nothing wrong with Americans Its an o.k country. Though I have to admit, its not perfect, people shouldn't say such things to Americans, just not right.
And get this, you know why I admire Americans? Is that their proud to be from that country.
Here in Australia? They won't even stand and sing their national anthem in proudly.
They just say they do.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
People just hate america cause we have the strongest military, they fear us. We are not warmongers we just put down terrorists. The one place that i do agree that america is at fault is because they allowed UN to create israel, biggest mistake ever. Israel is the reason that the terrorists hate the UN and especially america because we are the military power that supports UN. Things like this happen all the time in history. You get foreign powers that create a state in a foreign place and all local people fight back.