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United States Of America Question

why is it that we are not actually free?

heres what I mean, our "motto" is this is a free country, right?? but how come we still have to pay Taxes, Our lawn "helps" widining a road, and we still gotta pay for EVERYTHING!!!! I just don't get it, could someone explain..
 awesomesauce247 posted over a year ago
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United States Of America Answers

OceanCoast said:
There is no such thing as a *truly* free nation. A place like that would be a lawless shantytown where everyone steals and does whatever they wish (this is why Somalia has a huge pirate problem, because they lack the proper authority to deal with the coastline areas) -It would truly be nowhere you would wish to live.

What we do have is 'Freedom Of Speech' to do or say whatever we want. Most older more established countries, while some are democracies, still don't have free speech to the that extent. For example, in some of the European countries its illegal to deny the Holocaust (see where I'm going with this?) while in the US you are free to say whatever hateful, ludicrous things you want without fear of being criminalized.

While some aspects of freedom of speech are wonderful, the side effects of such 'freedom' tend to lead to this....
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posted over a year ago 
Thank You for sharing that link. I thank that state to making a law that protects American rights. and fights against hate and hate-crimes. A hate-crime is by act or words that incites or promotes harm , injury or death to another due to race, religion, sex, or removes anothers right to happiness or civil liberities. Just like the baptist preacher in FL burning the Quran that was a hate crime why hasn't he been charged or at least with an act to insite riot.
frostydragon posted over a year ago
I'd like to add this is a prime example of a law that is designe to maintain civil order, peace, and the protection of human rights.
frostydragon posted over a year ago
Your welcome. I remember watching a BBC documentary on the church awhile back and they did a good job showing that Westboro is "crazy" but not in no way stupid. The majority of the family (which makes up 90% of all attendants) have law degree's and often represent themselves SUCCESSFULLY in any court battles they incur by doing this. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up appealing that law successfully.
OceanCoast posted over a year ago
Thats said to say that there are so many loop holes in our laws that hate groups can hide behind them and slip through. Though I am wondering if by any speech or act on their part could place them in the direct fire of a civil law suit by inciting a violent act that another may perform. Why not the music industry was successfully sued for lyrics McDonald's was sued for coffe being too hot. I wonder if anyone has used that angle.
frostydragon posted over a year ago
xxXsk8trXxx said:
Because we are a country. All countries still have to do that.
We do have freedom of speech and freedom to criticize whoever we want to. We have more then North Korea, at least.
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posted over a year ago 
yes, but have you ever gone anywhere public? like for ecsample, School?? you do not have freedom of speech.
awesomesauce247 posted over a year ago
Yes, but it's impolite to insult people anywhere. It's common sence. Anarchist countries don't turn up so well, either.
xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
I may not agree with what you have said but I will defend to my death your right to say it. This has nothing to do with insults but personal opinion and how one see a subject or feels about it and their right to voice it.
frostydragon posted over a year ago
frostydragon said:
the right for the state to pay out a person for property for improvements such as the widening of the road systems etc., has always been a right left to them but in return they must pay you in return the far property value or extreme lowering of your taxes. This is once it is proven to be for the betterment and safety of the community. Taxes are a needed evil to support wages for salaries for state and government employees, schools and other expenses.

The one problem we have been having is the small interest groups telling others how they feel everyone should live. We have allowed through what ever means it happened to become brain washed into allowing others to rule our lives and the government to intrude into our homes. I hate to say it but we have been allowing others and small groups to think for us and it is getting out of control. Everything from Home Owners Associations to Schools Boards we have given up our voice, our opinions and our rights. When we allowed our children to start looking like Nazi Soldiers going to school. All looking the same we gave up our civil rights and our kids civil right to be individuals.

Rules are needed for any society to maintain order and the protection of the rights and safety for all but to many are taking advantage and turning civil order into control. If Americans do not step up and make it stop we will become the United States of Communist. We must learn the difference between a law (Rule) that protects the safety and civil rights of the whole and others trying to conform everyone to live as they think they should and control.

Yes in a free society your rights go only as far as the other persons nose but no one person or persons have no right to control the whole.

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posted over a year ago 
LadyNottingham said:
I don't mind paying taxes - as long as they go to the improvement and betterment of society, through the building and maintenance of a healthcare system, hospitals and schools, justice system fair for all the citizens, police forces, equipment for the nation (bridges, roads, telecoms, energy production & distribution), to quote but a few. Public services.

I have more qualms about paying taxes when I know they are to be used for less useful purposes : lavish expenditures so that some people in the government may feel important, weapons, etc. Paying interests for the debt (while the country could be the one to lend at 0%). Giving money to companies that won't give a damn about employment and development in the country and will delocalize on first occasion. The working class and the middle class paying for the rich who have tax cuts. The list is not exhaustive, alas.

I don't mind paying taxes, it means my situation is rather well-off. Besides, and I think this is the most important issue : paying taxes is a way to be in solidarity with your fellow countrypeople. We are all part of a community and alone, there's not much we can do when it comes to certain projects. Solidarity is the key word.

The fact that the richest do their best to evade taxation is the ultimate sign they are selfish and don't give a damn for the rest of their fellow human beings. While they are very happy to benefit from their country's generosity when needed.

To answer your question : you pay a lot because those who really have a lot, don't want to pay their fair share of contribution. That's all. Behind it, there's GREED (on the riches' part). Enough said.
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posted over a year ago 
The biggest problem is once they get our money they do as they please. I'll never forget in the back of the newspaper in a 2 paragrah story Pres. Ronald Regan giving several of hundred of thousands of tax dollars to turn Larence welks childhood home into a musuem. By this time most people were like who the hell is he. Was I asked if I wanted to have my money used for this. NO! So think we grip about the bill bills that are in the news our tax dollars are used for but what about all the smaller bs crap that is hiden in the back of the newspaper that slides by. If we added them all up they take a hug chunk of tax dollars.
frostydragon posted over a year ago
I agree. That's why now politicians do their best to conceal this kind of expenditures. When I fill in my tax paperwork (that's the period now btw), I sometimes wonder if I could write down what purposes I'd like my money to be spent on. Even the tax people here are shocked by the tax cuts and other gifts made by the gov. to the super-rich ! Which is saying something. I could imagine a tax strike - ain't that would be great ?
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
Oh yes I know but thats a dirty word here in America. People don't believe that happens here That's why they believe all the head lines and have very ill informed opinions. If it isn't in bold letters they don't read it.
frostydragon posted over a year ago
EverLastingLuv said:
we ARE free...other places in the world don't have the right to do much.
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posted over a year ago 
67Dodge said:
Let me tell you in very simple terms: If we don't pay taxes, give to the government once in a while, then we get nothing in return, the government doesn't provide for you. If you have no taxes, then the United States will be bankrupt and bought by China overnight.
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posted over a year ago 
jeannepeace said:

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posted over a year ago 
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