Avatar: The Legend of Korra *WARNING*This question is only for the people THAT HAVE SEEN THE FINALE.if u haven't this question is a DEFINATE SPOILER.Ok so since Mako and Korra are together,do you think Asami and Bolin will get together?

number1girl11 posted on Jun 23, 2012 at 07:17PM
I think there is a possibility they will.
I think there is a possibility they will.

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over a year ago 18wanda said…
I have wondered that. It seems they are always paired up together. Basami!
over a year ago zanesaaomgfan said…
No. I don't think Asami will get over Mako anytime soon. BORRA.
over a year ago 123cosmo4 said…
I think it would be weird is Asami and Bolin dated. The four of them would have officially swapped dates, and that seems a little like an awkwardfest.
over a year ago number1girl11 said…
true, true
over a year ago livetobefree said…
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
Well Asami sais she's fine so Maybe Asami will pull a Korra and Date Bolin to get back at Mako because i'm sure she isn't going to go with the appraoch that I thought seemed the most Logical. Witch was for her to kinda dwell on it and start to hate Korra than go a step up and hate benders than Join the Equalists. But now seeing as Amon is dead I think Asami will just to do some stupid pedy act of Jealousy or pull childish pranks.
over a year ago Kaiju_Baby said…
I'm surprised nobody else has said this, but my first thought was immediately that Asami and General Iroh could have a thing.
over a year ago RedX said…
Of course!!! Ive seen movies where people have relationships swaped. Take the disney movie enchanted for example. Makko all the way!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I sure hope so, Bo is kind and sweet and Asami deserves much better than that unfaithful jerk, Mako...
over a year ago stellamusa101 said…
Asami should be with General Iroh
over a year ago creativegirl31 said…
Them hooking up would make little to no sense in context. I just cannot see them realistically hooking up after Mako and Korra have already hooked up. It would just be akward as fuck and it"ll be a case of "Pair the Spares". And this is coming from a fan of Bosami!

I believe Bolin however WILL get his own love interest by Season 2.

And as for Asami, I think she's got ALOT more important things to think about than romance. But if the creators are going to pair her up with someone than it'll likey be with Iroh 2 (Assuming he stays with the Krew) or someone else rather than Bolin.
over a year ago bakes2389 said…
Honestly, I hope not. I can't see those two together at all. Also, I feel like the writers would be throwing them together just because they felt bad that they wanted Makorra and of course did it with cheating.....real smart writers, real smart.

I think Asami seriously just needs a man like General Iroh, who is a gentleman and a feisty hunk of burnin' love. She deserves to have some happiness after all the betrayal cast upon her from Korra and Mako. Asami by far exceeds the other characters. She deserves better than Mako......the jerkbender.

I also hope Bolin gets his own love interest in Season 2. He deserves better than Korra....the other jerkbender. Bolin is sweet, kind, and funny.....he should have no problem finding a gal. Obviously, those qualities weren't good enough to our royal avatar's standards.

Anywhore......my vote goes to no Bosami, go away Makorra, and new love interests......and hopefully a better season 2 (that doesn't suck and put ATLA to shame!).
last edited over a year ago
creativegirl31 commented…
Lmao! "Anywhore" XD Though seriously I agree with this comment! :) over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
Thank you kindly ;) WOOOO for AGREEMENT!!!! over a year ago
over a year ago StukoShipper101 said…
No! I just hope Asami gets together with General Iroh. And also Bolin needs to get a new girl.
bakes2389 commented…
AGREED!!!! over a year ago
over a year ago guyofthe90s said…
no i think her and general Iroh will be together and Bolin will find someone else