Avatar: The Last Airbender Wall

Displaying wall entries 31-40 of 779

pretty_angel92 said …
MY GOD, i just watched the first two episodes and i couldn't be more happier. Korra is just awesome, Tenzin is serious but also funny, Bolin is hilarious and Mako...well he's kinda like Zuko but soooooo much better.
and yes, i shipped Makorra from the beginning and episode 2 just prooved my love for this pairing. seriously, i'm a Kataanger but i think it's time for a water-fire relationship. they look soooo good together.
gahh, i'm freakin' out so much <333 Posted over a year ago
tiffany88 commented…
I watched them too, and download them in HD (1280x720) and the animation looks awesome :3 Seriously I love it! And Bolin was so cute, but Mako oh, hi Zuko XD over a year ago
TwinCherrie commented…
*fangirls* over a year ago
pretty_angel92 commented…
not really like Zuko, but kinda similar. Mako has a better personality, imo over a year ago
trixie123 said …
I just watched the second episode of Legend of Korra, and I saw Mako and Bolin with Korra in the Probending matches, and I have to saw, I'm stuck on which brother to ship with Korra. I like Mako, but I think Bolin has a slight crush on Korra. It's so dificult! The episode ended with Korra and Mako staring out a window on the oposite sides of the bay and they didn't know they were facing each other, and I was like, "I DON'T KNOW WHICH TO SHIP! THIS IS SO FRUSTERATING!" So who will you ship? Posted over a year ago
pretty_angel92 commented…
definitely Makorra. dont get me wrong, Borra is cute but they're like a second Kataang, you know? Bolin is like the happy guy and Korra reminds me of Katara sometimes so...no, i don't really want to. and it's ironic cause i'm a kataanger but this time i want something different. zutara was actually good but it didn't develop well. i'm hoping for Makorra now over a year ago
tiffany88 commented…
I agree with Pretty_Angel, definitely KorraXMako <3 over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
NightFrog - I would laugh my guys out if she turned out single! That would be a purely ironic thing! over a year ago
pokemonfan909 said …
I remember watching the show ! It soo good! I still watch it on the net at times.. but I'm seriously getting sic of Katara! Posted over a year ago
sharingan_soul commented…
haha yeah i have those moments cant wait to watch episode 2 of korra over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Oh, if you're sick of Katara, wait till you see Legend of Korra, she's still alive. But Katara can't be that bad, she was Aang's savior and all. So if she wasn't on the show, Aang wouldn't be there. And come on, we have to have at least one character that bugs you to death, it's all part of the anoying fun of cartoons! over a year ago
pokemonfan909 commented…
i am not pickin a fight! i've seen 'the run away' and i know y she does act motherly and sfhe is like one of my fav characters its just dat i have certain moments of weakness where i compare her 2 azula and find azula better that too rarely!! so pls stop fighting wid me! over a year ago
caoimhenaggy said …
i put up more of the comic hope ye all c it Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Ok. over a year ago
trixie123 said …
Just watched the first episode of Legend of Korra and I cried and screamed and laughed the whole time! And then at the end, I was hyperventalating because it was so awesome and because Aang died. I already knew that, but every time I hear it, I start to go into this mode where I freak out and hyperventalate. SO IT WAS AWESOME! Posted over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
As did I xD I couldn't stop screaming at random when I watched it. over a year ago
pokemonfan909 commented…
aang dies? I dint know that I soo need 2 watch Legend Of Korra ! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
No it's not. It's awesome. Just please watch it, trust one of Avatar's biggest fans and a complete Aang Fan Girl, I love it. It's good. And you'll forget Korra when you see Tenzin, he looks so much like Aang. But he has Katara's temper. And you will always be able to see Aang and his super grown up beard in the intro. And it will be cool to see him in spirit form! Just please, don't hate her and give it a try. over a year ago
sharingan_soul said …
i remember watching this when i was like 9,havnt watched it in awhile but i know i fall back into how i was then...ill love it again :D Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Good for you! This show always reminds me of my childhood when I watch it. over a year ago
sharingan_soul commented…
i watched the first episode!!! epic!!! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
IT over a year ago
lord1bobos said …
i am sohappy because we have a top video finally Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
YAY! over a year ago
caoimhenaggy said …
please comment on my comic cause i want critism and it comin from ye makes it better cause ye actully no about avatar and ur not like my dad askin a million questions Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Maybe. over a year ago
lord1bobos said …
I LOVE MY NEW USER ICON Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
ME TOO! over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
Me three :) over a year ago
nisa74 commented…
Me four!!!:)♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ over a year ago
xDark_Angelx said …
On Facebook, it has been announced that the Legend of Korra will premiere at April 14 at 11AM. That's just a month away; way less time than I expected. I'm SOOOOOO excited! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm screaming my head off! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
caoimhenaggy commented…
YAYAYAYA I CANT WAIT :) over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
I'm gonna have a Korra Premier Party! over a year ago
caoimhenaggy said …
peoplearnt on this alot are they and who made this page and how do u make a page Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Yes, people are, you just don't really see it. I'm on 24/7 and so are most people around the world, so don't complain, it's just what we live for. We have lives you know? And not a lot of people know who made the club. I, for one, have no idea who made it. And I know how to make a page, but I can't really tell 'cause it's a long process to me. over a year ago
lord1bobos said …
hey avatar fans this is me bobos and that is my new account Posted over a year ago
caoimhenaggy commented…
ok over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
What happened to your other account? over a year ago
lord1bobos commented…
i do not know over a year ago
caoimhenaggy said …
hey from the picters can ye look up avatar in the picters and start from the bottom
Posted over a year ago
caoimhenaggy commented…
it says water book one over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Sure. over a year ago
trixie123 said …
We now officially have 8000+ fans! Celebration time! *music starts* "Celebrate good times, come on!" Posted over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
Whoo! *dances* XD over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
If people keep joinin at this rate, there will be *starts pointing at air and counting randomly* about 10000 people joined by the end of this year! Probably more since Korra starts up this year too! over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
*Cue Foaming Mouth Guy* over a year ago
caoimhenaggy said …
in a way i kinda prefer bad guys than good guys cause in my opinion i think the bad guys ar more interesting (zuko)only like good guys if there unbelieveably cool (toph,aang)it kinda depends Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Sorta what I think too, but my favorite hero is Aang and my favorite heroine is Katara. My favorite bad guy (girl) is Azula 'cause she's not your tipical bad guy (girl). over a year ago
TwinCherrie commented…
Fave girl: Ty Lee (SHOCKED, aren't you?) Fave guy: I'm going to go with Iroh :P over a year ago
Andrew_Highton commented…
My favorite guy is iroh he is so wise and awsome and my favourite gir has to be toph she is unbelievably great i mean come on, she can metal bend! over a year ago
trixie123 said …
I haven't posted on here in so long! Le gasp : {O I've been so busy with trying to get A's in school and making honor roll (and that requires loads of homework)! School is so lame! I need to watch more Avatar and I'm still on my 44th time watching it! I haven't gotten far at all! (that wasn't sarcasm) I've been working on my Avatar art (soming along really well) and I need to get up a few more chapters of Into the Darkness. And for those Azula fans, I have a story called "Crazy" on here. Luv u! Posted over a year ago
caoimhenaggy commented…
i tried and failed to get As in school but i got Bs over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
I honestly can't say how many times I've watched the show (it may be around that number, probably less; either way, I haven't watched it in forever. But I seriously should, if I had the time). over a year ago
caoimhenaggy said …
fb avatar comics and drawings please like Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Already did! over a year ago
caoimhenaggy said …
do u hate the way that they blame all the fire nation even though it was mostly the army people outside the army didnt really have any thing to do with the war ?? : I Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Well, it was mostly the nobles or the high ranking people and teachers and stuff that followed. Mostly, it was a lot of grown ups except for a select few of them. The kids were just innocent and they were being corrupted! over a year ago
caoimhenaggy commented…
thts wat i mean over a year ago
caoimhenaggy said …
if i made a video would ye watch it???? Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Sure! over a year ago
caoimhenaggy commented…
alright but itll be stickmen over a year ago
iheartGinga said …
sorry i not as involved in this.............I have not had the time Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
That's ok! over a year ago
caoimhenaggy said …
hey who wants to make a avatar film the properly Posted over a year ago
TwinCherrie commented…
I'd like too, but I don't think we have the materials, talent, fame, or special effects to create a film that matches Avatar the Last Airbender. Ask me again when you can hire Johnny Depp; I'm sure we'll fit him in somewhere. over a year ago
caoimhenaggy commented…
if i made a video would ye watch it over a year ago
TwinCherrie commented…
I'd probably be cast as Maang or something :P over a year ago
caoimhenaggy said …
if any of ye are on fb please look up avatar comics and drawings i made the page please like it Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
I liked it! over a year ago
bobos said …
i am so happy that i won in the fotm competition
thanks 4 everyone voted 4 me
i love you avatar fans Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Yay! over a year ago
Pink_TyLee said …
Hi guys! It's Ty Lee! Wow, this club has SO many fans... that's AWESOME! How's your life guys? :)) <3 Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
This isn't like Facebook. You can't make your own page and you can't pretend to be characters. You be yourself. But whatever! You know, some people do it. I'm Audrey (Reya), nice too meet you! My life is a joy! over a year ago
iheartGinga commented…
ya! over a year ago
iheartGinga commented…
thanks trixie over a year ago
TwinCherrie said …
Dear Members of the Avatar Club-
Though I respect many of you, I think a few of you need to be a bit more careful. The misspellings of names here is almost making my eyes bleed; and so, here is a list of correctly spelled names. PLEASE use it as a reference.
Ty Lee (it's TWO words)
That's just a list of names that I've seen misspelled. If you don't know how to spell something, DON'T SAY IT.

~Your Grammar Nazi Friend
Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Yo-you're back :3 over a year ago
TwinCherrie commented…
Not as much as I used to be. over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
It bugs me when people do that, too, so I get what you mean. Haha. Oh, and I'm so glad to see you're back, no matter how little. over a year ago
bobos said …
i have 8 medals in avatar fan clubs Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Great for you! over a year ago
nonna10JB commented…
great over a year ago
iheartGinga commented…
go on at leap year,new years(i think so),and post a lot of things.....just be contributed-trust me over a year ago
kandysoda said …
You can join the Korea Nation, to get more updates about the new season and win stuff link
I'm excited that the main character is a girl. I hope it is as good as the last show. Posted over a year ago
kandysoda commented…
and yes, that url looks sketchy as anything, but thats because they give you your own url to share so you can get points to win a trip to San Diego Comic Con and meet the creators. over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Hahaha! Thanks! over a year ago
Andrew_Highton commented…
*Korra over a year ago
kandysoda commented…
I didn't even notice I did that. Thanks, Andrew. I guess I had something else on my mind. over a year ago
fartsarefunny said …
sorry guys but i hate the move its really bad they don't even say angs* name right

*not to shore about the spelling of it Posted over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
You, me, and everyone else. (It's spelled Aang) over a year ago
iheartGinga commented…
but lets not make a film over a year ago
iheartGinga commented…
i too busy over a year ago
caoimhenaggy said …
i love avatar if any of urs are on facebook look up avatar comics and drawigs and please like it Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
KK! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Liked it! Awesome! over a year ago
iheartGinga commented…
cool i will definitely look it up! over a year ago
caoimhenaggy commented…
ya its differant to avatar though but i think yed like it over a year ago
wolfmaster3000 said …
ParlorTricksluv commented…
I know! This is going to be so awesome! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
What PTluv said. : {) over a year ago
Sinna_Hime_chan commented…
I loooved the series {Movie -no} over a year ago
ParlorTricksluv said …
Hello! I'm new here and I love the FanFiction Parlor Tricks on FanFiction.Net by Lyralocke. I also love Avatar and Kataang! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Awesome! over a year ago
xDark_Angelx said …
I finally got a chance to go to my library, but I couldn't find the promise. I had no clue where to find it. And before you know it, we had a leave. *sighs*

Although now, I wish I had asked a worker to find it. Though perhaps a teenager asking for an Avatar comic would sound a bit odd, I honestly don't care. I want one so bad! I hope I can convince my parents to get me it online. Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
I don't think libraries sell Avatar comic books. Especially new ones because the books are donated and no one would donate a book a month after it comes out. Anyway, you usually get it on Amazon.com or at a local comic book store and you could preorder it special and they'll call you once they get it. over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks. :) over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
Oh, wait, I realized a mistake. When I said library, I meant the bookstore. Wow, I'm an idiot. But I checked the website of my bookstore, they have them in stock. I just didn't have time to check it out more. over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Lol! Alright, well, good luck getting it! over a year ago
bobos said …
what do u think of my new user icon ? Posted over a year ago
bobos commented…
i love it over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Lol! I like it too! over a year ago
molly_cala commented…
it looks great over a year ago
bobos commented…
thanx over a year ago
molly_cala said …
I began watching Avatar when it premiered, I never stop loving it. Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
I watch it all the time anytime I can and I'm still not tired after watching it over and over again. It over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
is just a great show. Sorry, pressed ENTER by accident! over a year ago
Kevy1 said …
Hey, I created a club for creating your own anime from scratch, its name is Anime Creators, so be sure to check it out anyone. Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Alright! over a year ago
animefanGRL commented…
I'll be sure to do that! <3 over a year ago
Kevy1 commented…
Great over a year ago
trixie123 said …
I'm doing a collage for French and I wanted to do it all on Avatar and such, but then I was like, "I can't do that because I'm such a wimp!" So, this is how my collage WOULD HAVE been if I had done Avatar.

J'aime Kataang.
J'aime Tokka.
Je n'aime pas Unagi.
Je n'aime pas La Grande Fracture.
Je deteste Taang.
Je deteste Zutara.

Yay! But sadly, I couldn't do that. Poop! Awe well, I'll do that when I have the moxie. Posted over a year ago
ParlorTricksluv commented…
Awe! Poor you! Et tres bien! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Tu parles france? over a year ago
TwinCherrie commented…
Oui, je parles france. (LOL I have no idea what I'm doing) over a year ago
maximumrider12 said …
AVATAR FACT: Aang is the youngest every fully realized avatar. considering that you are not supposed to be told of being the avatar until your 16th birthday and it takes about 2 years according to avatar roku to master each element. that would mean the avreage age is about 20, and Aang was 12. Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Not to be rude and such, but I think a lot of (if not a lot, then everyone) knew that cause it said it in the show. over a year ago
MonkeyBoy1 said …
Hello Everyone, I am Air of the North from www.theavatarportal.org You all should check it out if you want to meet some great people and watch and discuss everything ATLA. Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
I'll check that out! Thanks for the suggestion! over a year ago
zanhar1 said …
Cant wait for the Promise part 2! I hope Azula is in it at least for a little bit. Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
I;m sorry to say, but I doubt it will be. P.2 is gonna be about Sokka and Toph helping to train the metalbending students for a battle between them and the firebenders. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
At least Toph will be there a lot more. over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Exactly! over a year ago
Kevy1 said …
I love Avatar, it is the best anime ever and I love katara the most. I think they should revamp Avatar like, 10 year past and another enemy arose. I would watch it in an instant. Anyway I created a club called anime creators that was created for the purpose of making new anime form scratch. For example your own character, storyline etc. When your done you can create an RP for it. Be sure to check it out. Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Actually, the creators are making Legend of Korra, a spin off series of Avatar that happens 70 years into the future. Korra (the new Avatar) is trying to find Tenzin - Aang and Katara's son - to teach her Airbending. Look it up on Wiki. It's gonna air between March 31st and Fall 2012. Need any more info, contact me. over a year ago
Kevy1 commented…
Thanks I checked over a year ago
Kevy1 commented…
I too but still... over a year ago
Buckfan123 said …
I always love Avatar Posted over a year ago
Buckfan123 commented…
But now I don't watch it anymore over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
You should watch it again ^_^ over a year ago
rhema13 commented…
it never stops being interesting! over a year ago
big smile
xDark_Angelx said …
No way, I just got my dedicated medal! :D Finally! Posted over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
Congrats! over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
Thanks. :) over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
Thank you! over a year ago
trixie123 said …
COUNTDOWN TILL PART TWO! 122 days, 12 hours, 29 minutes and 15 seconds! Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
That's too long >.< over a year ago
Buckfan123 commented…
Wow very long over a year ago
noble-woman-Mai said …
Hey. Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Hey! How's it going? over a year ago
bobos commented…
hi over a year ago
shippo_33 said …
I just finished writing the 9's part of my fanfiction True Love what do you think about the entire story? link Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
You should totally post this on FanFiction.Net. I have a bunch of stories on there! over a year ago
shippo_33 commented…
i'll do it tomorrow. i really worked hard at it over a year ago
shippo_33 commented…
i'll post it here too, I really enjoy writing this story over a year ago
zanhar1 said …
Just bought The Promise! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Awesome! Congrats! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Thanks, I can't wait for part two :P over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Awesome! over a year ago
Likewoahxashlee said …
Well i decided to make one of these to show my feelings.... lmao! im stupid but its kinda embrassening im 13 well almost and i still watch these kids shows i mean i love them but still a lil *Blah* umm i think the creators are very awsome and should keep up the good workk i cant wait to see the new show :))))))))) This is one show i cant ge tout of my mind its AWSOME like MEH! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Ya! Well, I'm 13, just turned it last month, and I'm still obsessed like Hell! I've watched the series 43 times in a row and I'm still going! I have all the DVDs, most of the books, and I can't wait for Legend of Korra and the rest of The Promise to come out! We geeks take our Avatardedness seriously, so join the club! over a year ago
Likewoahxashlee commented…
lol well do you no when the new promise comes out and legend of korra?? over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
The next The Promise comes out in May and Legnd of Korra will air sometime between March 31st and Fall of 2012 over a year ago
bobos said …
and in aang fan club
and in toph fan club Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Omg! Awesome! over a year ago
bobos commented…
thanks over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
She's not worth your time, so don't bother. over a year ago
bobos said …
i have a medal in avatar the last air bender
in sokka
in ty lee
in azula fan club Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Great job! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Thanks over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Welcome! :D over a year ago
trixie123 said …
I GOT THE PROMISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M GOING TO POST PICS OF IT RIGHT NOW WHEN I GET THE PICS! eeeeepppppp!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
elmozachary1995 commented…
That's great over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
IKR? over a year ago
crash14 said …
Love avatar Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
I completely agree! over a year ago
Likewoahxashlee commented…
well i lik the patriots but the GIANTS toke them home and tagledfan i smell fish..close your legs plzz them thangs are open 24/7 like wal-mart over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
@Tangledfan123 - Like I always say, naw, I LOVE to talk and I'm the master at annoying people like you, you incompetent idiot of a truck driver. @Likewoahxashlee - Lol! That is so true! Is that why I smell lobster? Or maybe it IS fish? Or maybe it's just Tangledfan123. over a year ago
pretty_angel92 said …
the new clip is soooo cool Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
It is! over a year ago
elmozachary1995 said …
What did I miss? Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
New comic out! over a year ago
TwinCherrieVee said …
So, anyway:
1. Sorry about all the photos and picks and stuff. But I'm trying really hard to get my medal, and it's either this or medal-whoring. Like, NO.
2. Y'all know kelly1412? If any of you have a deviantART, could you contact her and tell her that I seriously love her work? Seriously. She's amazing. :)
3. God, I've been searching a bunch of fan art for my picks, and all the Ty Lee pics are DISGUSTING. (except kelly1412s). I'm ashamed.

Love you guys :) <3
Posted over a year ago
tiffany88 commented…
I know, Kelly1412 is such a fantastic artist! <3 I love her works :3 over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Love you too Vee! Keep on working for that metal! You deserve it! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Good luck over a year ago
trixie123 said …
I have to stop my addiction of posting on this wall. Anyway, guess what!? I'm getting The Promise p.1 a week early! Instead of having it come February 10-14th, it's coming February 1st! Yes! Score! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 said …
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess what!? No, ok, now I have to tell you, don't guess! THE PROMISE PART 1 IS OUT IN STORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've waited for this since I found out about it 3 months ago! OMG! Ok, so if you want info on how to get it, just go here link and that will be solved in the blink of an eye because today I stayed home because I'm sick as hell. So, again, HAPPY THE PROMISE DAY EVERYONE Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
There's a third one?! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Yeah. There are three comics in The Promise trilogy. over a year ago
trixie123 said …
4 hours, 49 minutes, 59 seconds till p.1! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 said …
12 hours, 20 minutes and 00 seconds till p.1! Posted over a year ago
KitKatLex commented…
Can't wait! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Neither can I! over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
I really hope they have it at Books a Million. I'm so getting it if I get to go there, no matter how weirded out it might be to my parents (they're sure I've gotten out of my obsession; they're not exactly right... XD) over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Lol! If they don't, PM me and I can give it to you. over a year ago
anniewannie said …
IMPORTANT POST: Please join my club link. look into my profile and you'll see it there or in the search.
Thanks ^^ Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Alright! over a year ago
anniewannie commented…
Thanks to those who have joined in Avatar: The Last Airbender ^^ over a year ago
trixie123 said …
2 days, 11 hours, 45 minutes, 40 seconds till p.1! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Now there's less time! over a year ago
rescuenavy commented…
P1 of what?? Sorry I am new... over a year ago
pretty_angel92 commented…
i think she's talking about the promise over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
The Promise is an Avatar comic book that comes out in less than 1 day. It follows the gaang directly after the end of the war. over a year ago
trixie123 said …
Still posting on here too much! So sorry! 3 days, 6 hours, 44 minutes, 30 sec till p.1! Posted over a year ago
avataraang101 commented…
No!! Keep posting!! :D over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Ok. Maybe. over a year ago
big smile
trixie123 said …
I'm posting on this wall too much. P.1 comes out in 6 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 35 seconds! Posted over a year ago
avataraang101 commented…
is this for the promise?? over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Yes. Yes it is. But now there are less days. over a year ago
trixie123 said …
Well, there goes an a crappy atempt to download the first episode of legend of Korra. I got to the site and it wouldn't let me download it! I was all, "This is just shit." But you know what? I think it's better to wait then to watch it now, what do you guys say? I won't give you the site because you'll just pull your hair out trying to dowloas it. And trust me, it was a waste of time that I coule be spending doing my homework. *Sigh* Oh, and the show will be out between March 31 and fall 2012. Posted over a year ago
pretty_angel92 commented…
i saw that too and i'm waiting for the forum to upload it. i won't be able to resist xD over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
You can't upload it, I tried. If you can, what site are you on and how did you try uploading it> over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
You can't download it because A) it will tell you to download many other things. And B) because only a high tech computer geek can figure out everything and would have the patients. I sat in my room for 3 hors downloading a bunch of crap and the real thing didn't even download itself! over a year ago
trixie123 said …
There are 7 days, 9 hours, 15 minutes, and 44 seconds in counting until The Promise p.1 comes out to stores! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Or, for me, until February 10th for it to be shipped to my house. over a year ago
pretty_angel92 said …
trixie123 commented…
i saw it and i'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeeppppppppppp!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
And a third, and fourth, and fifth. They just added them! over a year ago
iheartGinga commented…
iheartGinga said …
i kinda sometimes think im too much of a nerd............THATS O.K WITH ME!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
I'm a geek! No worry, nerds and geeks aren't that different. I get honor role in school and I'm obsessed with Avatar, so it's ok! Yay! over a year ago
TwinCherrieVee commented…
She's geek chic.^^ ;) over a year ago
caoimhenaggy commented…
im the same its like my secret life my friends dont no i love avatar over a year ago
emoboy44 said …
IT'S GREAT Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
What's great? over a year ago
FeelmySwagger commented…
pls ask over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
^^Most likely their club. This user has been asking about his club in several spots. So just ignore him. over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Alright. Thanks for the info! over a year ago
big smile
emoboy44 said …
HEY WANNA JOIN MY CLUB!!! Posted over a year ago
emoboy44 commented…
FANCY FANS over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Already joined. And what does this have to do with Avatar? over a year ago
FeelmySwagger commented…
ha ha! over a year ago
iheartGinga said …
what is ur guys fave legend of korra trailer........if there is more than 1 Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
There's only one unless you count the spoiler videos. But those DON'T count. So I love the only one. Very suspencefull! over a year ago
iheartGinga commented…
i know, right! over a year ago
big smile
trixie123 said …
I made a club called Avatar: The Promise (parts 1, 2 &3) if you would please join. I still need someone to make a banner and icon but I have a temporary one for now. So please make me happy and join! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
I made a banner and icon so no worry! over a year ago
iheartGinga commented…
ok!going on right........NOW! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Thanks so much! over a year ago
pretty_angel92 said …
guys, it's confirmed...korra will come out in 2012 and not 2013. can't wait Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Hahaha! Yay!!!!! They said it will be here sometime in the middle of March 31st and the beginning of Fall 2012x over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
^Woo! :D over a year ago
iheartGinga commented…
Awesome.SO EXCITED! over a year ago
trixie123 said …
You know what? I feel like I haven't contributed to this club that much. XD But, I think I need to contribute more. How do you guys think I should do that??? Hehe! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
This is over exagerating it a bit, but I really feel like I'm not contributing! Arrrggghhh! over a year ago
belle0416 commented…
I think you are...a LOT. over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
You're welcome. over a year ago
Fringe543 said …
Do you all know that the avatar the legean of koera was coming? Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Yes. It's been leaked out since begining of last year. And it's Korra. Not Korea. That's where all the animators for the show live. over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
And it's coming around summer of this year. Or spring. I the middle of this year is when it's supposed to air. That's what the creators said at least, over a year ago
big smile
trixie123 said …
Just watched the Wizards of Waverly Place finale. But I think... to me... that the Avatar season finale was much, much, much better! Longer, more action, and more fluff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Who won lol? over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Justin, then he gave it to Alex. Then Justin became the Wixard headmaster and got powers. Max got the sub station. It was really predictable though. over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
No need to be sorry. It's not that great a show. over a year ago
TheOneTruekate said …
I can't wait for the second season of Avatar The last Airbender to come out! It's called The Legend of Korra! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
It's the spin-off series. Not the second season. It's basically a continuation of Avatar that takes place about 70 years into the future, following Avatar Korra and her friends. There in also a trilogy of Avatar comic books called The Promise (parts 1, 2, and 3 arn't in store yet, part 1 will be on Jan. 25). The comics take place RIGHT after the season finale and then a few pages in, one year into the future. If you want to read part 1 earlier than the release dade, just contact me through PM. over a year ago
iheartGinga commented…
would u mind not speaking like that?I dont wanna ......u know be in ur business......i actually agree with u its just......this is a great website and i dont want it to be ruined.......u following? over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Somewhat. I'm a person who likes spoilers, but I hate it when people say they're true fans and then correct people when they say something that's absolutely true down to the last letter. And sorry for confusion, stupid spell check. over a year ago
iheartGinga said …
by the way guys im new so u might think it is wierd that im expressing my feelings to u guys...........its just cause im so excited! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
It's ok! We're all friends here! Even if there is a shipping war going on! We all love the same so and are excited for new Avatar things to come out. You can always count on us ( ; over a year ago
iheartGinga commented…
thanks!You are awesome! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Welcome! over a year ago
iheartGinga said …
trixie123 commented…
I have it already. I can give it to you if you like1 over a year ago
shippo_33 commented…
can you give it to me too? :puppy eyes: over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
I have my connections... Do you want it? over a year ago
iheartGinga said …
trixie123 commented…
I know right?! over a year ago
iheartGinga commented…
yay!yay!yay!yay!yay!yay! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Hahaha! over a year ago
elmozachary1995 said …
I'm back-earlier than expected- There's a site to read the 'Promise Part 1' This is it, (link). Expand all the images to read. Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Hey! No no no! That was my job! Did you get this from me?! >:( This is the type of thing I was preventing from happening! over a year ago
ratava123 said …
Something I need to be better about. Writing on this wall. :) So I completely forgot about that new show that's going to be on soon. Legend of Korra right? Any news about that yet? Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Gonna be up around March 2012 or later. It was confirmed that in Belgium the show would air in Fall 2012. So for the US, it will be sooner. Also, there is a comic book out called The Promise. It's a trilogy and it starts right after Aang and Katara kiss on the balcony of Iroh's tea shop. I suggest you buy it for the love of Avatar. It's really good! It will be out on Januaray 25, 2012, but I can get you an online copy sooner. over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
Really? It'll be sooner? I swear, before, I heard it was much later. Oopsie. Well, that's awsome. XD over a year ago
TwinCherrieVee commented…
XDD^^ over a year ago
FeelmySwagger said …
what's on? Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
What do you mean? over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
I love witnessing what comes out of simple things like 'what's on'. XD over a year ago
FeelmySwagger commented…
got dat right @night frog over a year ago
pretty_angel92 said …
guys, look at this clip. korra and katara look awesome link Posted over a year ago
trixie123 said …
Hey guys! I have something most of you are going to be super duper jealous about... I just finished reading The Promise part 1 on my iPod. No joke. I swear to God you can even ask Vee if it's true. I hold in my technology the site to a free, legal, full version copy of The Promise. So if any of you want the copy, PM me and I'll give it to you! I said that all I wanted for Christmas was The Promise part 1 to come out and it did! But I swear, it's the full version of The Promise! No more snipets! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
But I'd seriously recommend buying the book version! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Oh, and this was supposed to be an early birthday present for me from a friend but I like sharing! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Welcome! over a year ago
TwinCherrieVee said …
I've decided to get all my wall posts out of the way. I hate having it cluttering up my wall.
1)First off, Zany has a club! Click on the link, children, and YOU can show your support for her! www.fanpop.com/spots/zanhar1
2)This doesn't really need a wall post, but I've started liking Tyzula as a couple. I know it's weird, but there's some really good fanart for it, and it's kind of sweet.
3)Sort of an apology for not visiting this club as often. I'll try to get on more. Posted over a year ago
TwinCherrieVee commented…
But I'll be off for a week cos I'm grounded.. (would've added this but apparently this post was "over the limit". over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Hahaha! Nice! I'll join Zany's club! over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
Cool, I'll join Zany's club. :D And sucks to hear you're grounded. D: over a year ago
elmozachary1995 said …
To all active Avatarians, I may not be active for five days due to Travelling. However, please notify that there is still room for participating in the forum 'Avatar RP'. Thank you. Posted over a year ago
XTerrazX said …
Nick's "Best Week Ever" starts today so in just a few days time we might get a release date for Legend of Korra! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
I'm watching nick right now! Everyday at four I'm gonna watch it! over a year ago
Ready4TheSet commented…
awesome! over a year ago
bobos said …
what do you think of my new user icon? Posted over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
Powerful XD over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
^agreed. X {D over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
Awesome. :D over a year ago
trixie123 said …
This is the story line for The Promise Part 2

Zuko attempts to use the knowledge he gained while speaking with Ozai in the first novel of the trilogy. Aang tries to prevent a looming war while Sokka attempts to deal with his "oogies." Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Couldn't resist! Too tempting! over a year ago
SpeedyGonzalez commented…
what are oogies? over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Hahaha! Nice job using a line from The Promise!! over a year ago
big smile
trixie123 said …
I've watched the begining to Legend of Korra so many times, I think I'm in love!! It's sooooooo AWESOME! Posted over a year ago
JediWaterBender commented…
Me too!!! :) over a year ago
JediWaterBender commented…
It's going to be epic!!! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
I know! I just can't wait!!!!!!! over a year ago
tiffany88 said …
Hey guys!
I found a link to a website that has a clip of the first episode of Legend Of Korra: link
Check it ! Posted over a year ago
Jupiter305 commented…
Thanks! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
*Jaw drops and fants* I found the same stuff on another site. But VIACOM got to it first before I could see most of it. Thanks! over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
3 things I learned from that clip. 1) I adore Korra. 2) The animation works better than I thought. 3) Katara's so..mello XD over a year ago
tiffany88 commented…
yeah I agree the animation is great, and I really like Korra's speaking voice. over a year ago
TwinCherrieVee said …
I want to apologize to everyone (especially those people who complained), for calling certain characters bitches. I really didn't mean it in a bad way at all- it was almost meant as a respect thing. I promise, I didn't want to offend anyone here. Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
We all forgive you Vee! Isn't that right everyone *gives everyone evil glare* over a year ago
TwinCherrieVee commented…
Commenting on this 10 days later... -w- over a year ago
noble-woman-Mai commented…
yep. over a year ago
Lizzy-ILoveJB said …
Am I the only disappointed one here with the movie? =/ It was cool but I think that it could have been WAY better. Posted over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
You are definetely not alone! So many of us fans were disappointed by the many flaws in that movie. And they're still making that second movie? Oh, geez! over a year ago
Lizzy-ILoveJB commented…
Oh boy. -_- over a year ago
noble-woman-Mai commented…
it was pretty bad... over a year ago
big smile
trixie123 said …
Guess what?!?!?! KATARA WILL BE IN LEGEND OF KORRA!!!!!! It is confirmed that she WILL be in Legend of Korra, I even have proof in videos and pictures! HA! Also, see for yourself in mid 2012. Posted over a year ago
Luckyydog commented…
i wonder if enyone else will be in it over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
^^ idgaf. over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
I have to agree with zanhar1. over a year ago
trixie123 said …
Do any of you guys mind if I post some Legend of Korra pics? The urge to do it is really annoying but I want to ask you guys first to see if you want to or not. Posted over a year ago
noble-woman-Mai commented…
nope. over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Ok. Actually, you can go to my LOK page link over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
There are pictures there! over a year ago
TwinCherryVee said …
Katara- "I will NEVER turn my back on people who need me!"

*Azula going insane and crying, Katara stands and watches*

KATARA. YOU LIED. Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
hahaha! Oh, irony! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Lol thats exactly what I thought. Way to keep your word beeotch!!! over a year ago
noble-woman-Mai commented…
lol jedi. I relised already that Azula is crazy. over a year ago
emoboy44 said …
hey guys check out the question in the ansers
the first qestion Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
ok. over a year ago
TwinCherryVee commented…
@emo- I think you're really cool, and I'm a fan of you, but I really wish people wouldn't post on the wall when they put up something. It just clogs it up. No offense, dude. over a year ago
noble-woman-Mai commented…
right over a year ago
trixie123 said …
Guess what guys!!!!!! The Promise part 1 is coming out in 51 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!! Mark your calendars for January 25, 2012! Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Also, I found more leaked imiges for The Promise part 1, should I post them on here? over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Yeah you should!!! over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Check! Sorry! over a year ago
big smile
trixie123 said …
The Promise: part 2 is coming out this may!!!!!!!!!!! WOOPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Zukania99 commented…
whats the promise? over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
The Promise is a trilogy of Avatar: The Last Airbender comic books writen by Gene Yang that are set 1 year after the war. over a year ago
tabby15 said …
i put another photo down its called"Sokka crazy" look at it ok. hope you all like it.commen if you want. Posted over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
Ok. I'll look at it in a while. over a year ago
tabby15 commented…
ok over a year ago
tabby15 said …
hey guys i made a picture look at it ok.its called "sokka and toph in snow". please comment. Posted over a year ago
TwinCherryVee commented…
Yeah...OK. :) over a year ago
trixie123 commented…
I will! over a year ago
tabby15 commented…
thanks :) over a year ago