Avatar: The Last Airbender Avatar Book 4

coolguy93 posted on Mar 24, 2013 at 02:42AM
Hey guys this is me, coolguy93. You may know me from the Hot Korra and Katara and Avatar Fanfiction fourms. Ive decided to write the 4th book of Avatar. Its a big progect, but If i get many views I will continue. This Book is rated T+. WARNING ZUTURA FANS, I AM 100% KAANG!!! There is also some Sokka/Suki and EVEN some Sokka/Toph! (word!) So sit back and enjoy the ride! (P.S. wanna read my erlier bad attempts at fanfiction? Go to this link: link
last edited on Mar 24, 2013 at 02:45AM

Avatar: The Last Airbender 5 replies

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over a year ago coolguy93 said…
Book 4, chapter 1:Love...(Note: this story picks up where the final epesode leaves off.)Aang and Katara sat side by side on Appa, Kataras head on Aangs sholder. Aang and Katara had been an "item" ever since their kiss at their house the Earth king had given them. They didnt really live there much, but it was a nice pit stop. Sokka rolled his eyes. Toph glanced where she thought Sokka was and sighed. (She kinda has a "thing" for him. This will come up again in a later chapter.) Aang opened his eyes for a moment and noticed a small village."We can stop there for a while. Appas tired." Appa sighed in relief. They flew down and put Appa in a barn. "I'll go get us some rooms." said Sokka, heading for a nearby inn. Aang and Katara smiled when they saw Toph running after him. They realised they would be alone together. They headed for a shady tree and sat down. Aang smiled at Katara, then looked away and frowned. "What is it?" said Katara gently. "Today would have been Monk Fiatso's birthday. I miss him." "Awwwwwwww Aang." said Katara. She thought for a minute, then smiled." I know what will make you feel better meet me next to Appa tommoraw, before Sokka and Togh wake up!" She got up and ran away. Aang smiled and shook his head. He wondered what she would come up with. The End.
over a year ago coolguy93 said…
Book 4, chapter 2:Kaang power!...Aang walked up to Appas barn. Katara had told him to meet her here...now where was she? Suddenly Katara strutted from behind Appa. She had altered her outfit. Her dress had been shortened to a short skirt, and her top was much tighter, letting the fabric clearly outline her...areas. "How do I look?" said Katara, twirling, bringing up her dress and letting Aang get a good look at her BOTTOM areas. Aang gulped. "Y-you look great..." "Good. Now how about earthbending us a nice big tent? So we can...snuggle?" Aang was begining to get exited. "Sure...sweetie." Katara smiled. "Sweete. I like it." Aang earthbended the tent and they crawled in. (OOOO Katara Geting Sexy for Aang!) To be continued in the next epesode...The End
over a year ago coolguy93 said…
Book 4, chapter 3:Together...Aang and Katara lay in the earth tent.Katara gently drew him closer and closer into a kiss. She sceducevly moved her leg up and down his body. They kissed and felt each others hearts beating. Meanwhile..."YAAAAAWWWNN" said Sokka. He suddenly sat streight up in bed. (Uh-Oh. Hes suspicious!) "TOPH! WHERES KATARA!" "How should I know, Sokka boy?" said Toph as he raced into her room. She was lying lazily in her bed, in her underwear (See pic.). Sokka stared at her a moment, then said "You know, for the record, you dont look so bad.." Toph smiled sweetly. "I'll take your word on that, baby." He grinned a moment, then the smile faded. "We have to find Aang and Katara! Who knows what hes doing to her!!" "Ok, ok I'll get dressed." said Toph. (5 mins later) Sokka and Toph ran up to the earth tent next to Appas barn. Toph earthbent the tent down, and (To Sokkas relief) they wernt naked, but they were exploring the back of each others troats. "GET UP! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING!!??" screamed Sokka. Katara and Aang jumped. "Im kissing my boyfreind Sokka! What are you doing!? Come on Aang." She grabbed Aangs arm and pulled him tworard the inn. Sokka stared after them. "Woemen." he muttered. The End.
coolguy93 commented…
heres the link for the "pic" link over a year ago
coolguy93 commented…
copy it then paste it into google over a year ago
over a year ago coolguy93 said…
Book 4, chapter 4:Tension...Aang and Katara sat eating breakfast. It was the next day. Togh and Sokka walked down the stairs. Their clothes were mussed up and they had marks on them. (Wow. Just..Wow) Katara stared at them. "I thought you were with Suki!" She yelled at Sokka. He looked at her funny. "I am." She jumped up. "You had sex with Togh!" she screamed. "Hey, Suki doesnt mind if I share the bed when shes not around." said Sokka. "I dont mind it myself." said Togh, grinning. Katatra jumped up. "You are so shallow!" she screamed at Sokka. "Come on Aang. Oh, and this is yours." she said to Togh, flinging a scroll with a sack on it to Togh and running out with Aang. Sokka read the letter while Togh opened the sack, which was filled with coins. "This is...Child support!?" Togh grinned. "Its from We Jin. I gave the kid to an orphanage, but HE doesnt need to know that. Here, you can have some." Sokka grinned. "sweet!" he said. The End.
over a year ago coolguy93 said…
Book 4, chapter 5:Betrayal...Sokka heard a knock at the door. He opened it. He perked up. "Suki!" He kissed her. "How have you been? What have you been doing? Hows the island-" He stopped when he saw Togh tapping her foot, frowning disaprovingly. "Exxxxuse me a minute will you?" he said before running in another room with Togh. When they got there, Togh slapped him. "You betrayed me!" "What!? Shes my GIRLFREIND!" said Sokka. "Are you forgetting something!? We had sex the other night! I COULD BE CARRYING YOUR CHILD!!!!!!" screamed Togh. "Shhh! Be more quiet!" said Sokka. "Look, play it cool while Sukis here, and we'll do it again tonight. Ok?" said Sokka. "Togh rolled her eyes. "FIIINNEEE. But you better be good." Sokka winked. "You have no idea." The End